Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Three Things - Three

1. This Friday will be the July Egan Dinner, hosted by the Mat-Su Democrats. It will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Canyon Grill in Wasilla. You're welcome to come as a guest!

Alaska's bloggers to the Democratic National Convention will be our guests. Team Blue Oasis, representing two blogs - Alaska Real and Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis, will be there. Celtic Diva and Writing Raven will talk about their preparations for the Denver convention, to be held the same week as Alaska's Democratic Party Primary.

The Alaska Report's Dennis Zaki will also be there. Dennis's electronic news outlet has been on the web now for almost ten years. His site probably gets more traffic in 30 minutes than the Voice of the Times gets in a day or so. His excitement and sense of real adventure as a news gatherer should be a model for young journalists everywhere. His ability to get to the heart of fishery issues is unparalleled in Alaska. The Alaska Report's coverage of our Corrupt Bastards is probably read by more people out-of-state than is the Anchorage Daily News coverage of the same events.

I'm hoping there will be another surprise journalist there too. She's been more or less out of circulation for a couple of weeks now, but..............
2. The place to read about the special session of the Alaska Legislature's gas pipeline Juneau Kabuki, is Robert Dillon's An Alaskan Abroad. Wesley Loy at the ADN, who has been in Juneau for the session, is good too, but - even from Washington, DC, Dillon's pieces have been both informative and engaging.

3. I've posted an important update onto the bottom of last week's article at Progressive Alaska, called A Disturbing Trend at the ADN

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