Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Progressive Alaska Does Firedoglake

At 5:30 p.m. today, the very progressive blog, firedoglake, will have me joining regular host Ian Welsh, for the first evening of an event that will take place over the next few days -- TedFest!

Celtic Diva will be joining in to help with my end, because I teach a class this evening during most of that 90-minute time slot.

firedoglake has commented about Progressive Alaska in the past, and the Saturday before last, the Pacific Northwest's pre-eminent expert on hate groups, militias and their mentalities, did a post there about Ted Stevens' recommendation of Mark Steyn's book, America Alone, which was also covered here, at Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis, and - very reluctantly and weirdly - by the Anchorage Daily News.

image of Jane Hamsher from firedoglake by Darrel Plant


  1. just noted diane benson's statement on FISA at alaska report and it's damned brilliant! why doesn't any other candidate have the stones to call this what it is? why aren't benson's progressive values rewarded with more support from like-minded voters? this is so frustrating!

  2. You're the - ? - probably tenth person to tell me that, clark. Good question too! You're welcome to come here and write an essay about this. I'm sorta busy with creating more Ted Stevens art through the week...

  3. i might take you up on that. i'm going to stew on it for a day or so. i mean, it's bugging the crap out of me. but if i'm going to write something convincing i need to make sure it's a fair treatment and people can relate to it.

  4. Just wade in there and write, clark! you write really well. More and more of us need to forget that we don't consider ourselves to be adequate to this enormous task of getting our country back from growing fascist power. We can!

  5. Whaaaaa? Someone reads my blog? Or at least looks at the pictures!!!??

  6. Darrell,

    I've linked to your blog a lot of times, I think. Great picture of Jane!

  7. Believe me, I'm just delighted that anyone would want my hastily-snapped crappy cell phone photo (shot during the Rude Pundit's performance, by the way)!

    I hope your joint appearance went swimmingly.
