Wednesday, April 16, 2008

George Bush's Longtime Crusade Against Global Warming

Just kidding.

Watching the President explain his record on the environment is one more episode of Orwellian word abuse. Hearing him use the words "rational," "realistic" and "cost-effective" almost hurts my ears. Although he's claiming that meaningful moves toward markedly reducing CO2 emissions would wreck our economy, he's already done that, while encouraging wasteful energy use on every level of our society.

The guy on CNN asks, "What does all this mean, what the president asks?" All I can guarantee is that George Bush doesn't understand much of what he's reading.

The president's approval rating is already at 23%. The majority of those still approving of his conduct before this speech were probably global warming and climate change deniers, and millennialists still hoping he will bring on the promises of the Book of Revelations. For them to see him pretending to outdo Al Gore is going to drive the man's popularity down into the mid-teens.

I am so sick of listening to him talk down to Americans, in his tiresome, petulant way.

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