Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Condi Must Go - Lisa, Ted & Don, Too!

The United States has executed Japanese Army officers for doing what Condoleeza Rice and her colleagues told our military and intelligence people to do. Both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House have voted to condone so-called enhanced interrogation techniques," that are in reality torture.

Once out of office, many people in the Bush administration will be unable to travel to many countries, as they will be liable for arrest, trial and long imprisonment for their war crimes. I believe that all of our political figures who have voted in support of these war crimes should be held accountable too. I think all our candidates running for office this fall should be asked by our supine media whether or not the candidates support "enhanced interrogation techniques," such as "waterboarding."

I put an anti-torture bumper sticker on my car yesterday. Already, it has gotten me more dirty looks, cars pulling into my lane right in front of me and then slowing down, and other irrational driver responses than my Diane Benson and Drop Don bumper stickers have gotten me in months.

1 comment:

  1. They will no doubt escape punishment for their misdeeds, but at least Sec. Rice and her "superiors" and overlords will be gone next January 20; the question is who will replace them?

    The only presidential candidate who has clearly, steadfastly, and unequivocally denounced the use of torture is Barack Obama.

    Sen. Ted Stevens' record on torture is abominable (one of only 9 Senators to vote against an amendment to the Defense Appropriations Act that outlaws torture by members of the Armed Forces); Sen. Murkowski's is not much better. They have to go, too.
