I just wanted to offer my thanks to everyone in the FDL community who has been offering their support for these tarsandsaction.org protests in recent days. And I mean really offering their support–Jane was still liveblogging while she was being put in handcuffs, the purest example of journoactivism I’ve about ever witnessed. And scarecrowjohn entertained our cellblock with detailed instructions about how to post–hence this message.

The protests are going remarkably well–they’re being widely covered in the alternative press (lead story at HuffPo right now, Amy Goodman this morning, Keith Olbermann tonight) and edging their way into the already-nervous mainstream media. and we’ve got ten days to go–so, if you can join us, do, and if you can’t please spread the word.

At this point, and for the forseeable future, people aren’t going off to jail–they’re spending a few hours in the cell at the police station and paying a fine. But it’s still a big deal to get arrested.

If you’re looking for a way–and we all should be–to help celebrate the dedication of the new Martin Luther King monument, this is the way. Think of it as living history, a reminder that not all politics is electoral politics, and that it’s okay to go to Barack Obama’s house and tell him you want him doing what he said he would. Since the Congress plays no part in this decision, it’s one of the purest tests he’s ever faced. Our job is to make sure he has to face it head on.
III.  Here's Bill McKibben, being interviewed on Democracy Now this morning, by Amy Goodman.  She would have interviewed him yesterday, but he was still in jail at taping time: