She has been a hallmark of stability at Dem HQ, while party chair Jake Metcalfe used party resources to prepare to launch his US House campaign, and, most recently, while current Party Chair Patti Higgins looked around for better office space for US House candidate Ethan Berkowitz.
More than anyone else, Kay Brown has been the motivator behind the Democratic Party's efforts to make the upcoming Super Tuesday Party Caucuses a success with meaning, one that will help to build the Party here. I predict that, because of the efforts of Kay and others at the state and local levels in organization of the caucuses, we may make national news regarding the high number of people turning out to caucus.
Caucusing seems pretty retro compared to electronic balloting. But, even given the lack of privacy involved in caucusing, at least we can be sure our vote counts. As comparison, here's what Californians can look forward to on Super Tuesday:
Sheesh! Along with Kay Brown, the Alaskan to make the shortcomings" of electronic voting an important issue for us, is KUDO's Shannyn Moore. She has interviewed both Brad Friedman of Bradblog, and muckraker extraordinaire Greg Palast, on the perils of electronic voting on her late morning talk show. She commented here the other day that she hopes to be able to interview FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds on the air soon. Some of Shannyn's recent work at KUDO seems to validate my post here back in December, titled The Arrogance of Pat Dougherty.