Wednesday, May 16, 2012

PlumeGate: Does Fukushima Threaten the World? - A Canadian View

A few young Canadian men sitting around, wondering about the ramifications of Fukushima on their internet radio program: I watch a lot of Fukushima videos. What is unique and quite good about this one is the depth and shallowness of dialogue. I suppose part of their schtick is parodying Canucks. The point of view of their exchanges and rhetorical questioning drew me in.

These guys are good, eh?

They are fairly new - just over a month old.   Here's how they introduced themselves on Youtube on April 14th:
Welcome to our very first podcast. The Free Radio Revolution team are: Dave B. Greg M. Paul M. and Jeff. C. We invite you to join us as we discuss all important issues facing our world today. We are located in Canada and have a very open perspective on what is transpiring globally (especially in the USA)
I've bookmarked their Youtube niche.

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