Monday, February 20, 2012

This Has Never Happened Before - Active Duty Troops March on White House for Ron Paul

Presidents Day, 2012.

Although the Pentagon and individual services strongly discouraged active duty military personnel from participating in Monday's march on the White House by veterans and service members supporting Ron Paul, hundreds of them joined the thousands in the march and White House demonstration.

The demonstration had this poignant moment:
Standing at the gates of the White House, hundreds of veterans and active duty service members, including Schlegel, turned their backs.

Together, they saluted one second for every service member who has committed suicide during Barack Obama’s presidency. 

After eight minutes of saluting, they observed a 21-minute silent prayer – one second for every service member who died abroad during President Obama’s term.
Coverage of this unprecedented event has been light in the mainstream media.  So has the fact that Paul has pulled in about twice as much as the president from serving military, and over 20 times as much as his leading GOP rival from this constituency, Mitt Romney.

The group formed up at the Washington Monument, then marched on the White House:
The group then marched in formation back to the Washington Monument.  The numbers of civilians walking behind the official veterans and active duty marching to show that "Ron Paul is the Choice of the Troops" was reported to be over 1,000 family members and supporters.  The official march of the troops and veterans themselves is believed to have been an additional over 900 people.  It is unclear at this time, how many members of the public may have been in the crowds to observe this historic public statement by our veterans in support of Ron Paul for President of the United States.

This was clearly a unique anti-war march by our nation's veterans and perhaps could be referred to as one of the most unique in recent history.   The official march was heard in cadence to:  "End the Fed", "President Paul", "End the Wars" and "Ron Paul Revolution, Legalize the Constitution".

There was initially to be active duty also participating in the march.  It is unclear after a warning was said to be issued by top military brass in the last couple of days whether the numbers of active duty members that actually marched today was affected by this warning instructing them not to participate.
Here's video of the gathering at the Washington Monument:

And Here's video of the march.  There do appear to be many active service members there, though one cannot be sure.  No doubt the Defense Department and Secret Service are busy  going through their photos and videos, trying to determine which people there are indeed active duty:


  1. So veterans & troops turn out for a racist, sexist, right wingnut.

    Phil, there are more issues in play than military issues, which I agree Obama has really screwed up on. But we certainly don't need Ron Paul, or Mittens, or Newt, or Santorum in the White House.

    This beating the drum for a bigot really has to stop.

  2. "This beating the drum for a bigot really has to stop"

    --- So, you prefer that nobody at all in this 2012 year who is running for the White House be given a platform to call out the utter insanity of our militarism?

    And your rejection of the harsh portrayals by all the other 2012 candidates (including Obama's) of cultural aspects of the Muslim world's struggle against our imperialism as not just as bigoted shows a lack of depth which disappoints me, my longtime friend.

    2012 is the new 1914, and you should realize that, HbAK.

  3. enjoy the news about all candidates and understand that you may or may not be supporting them. I did not see any news on this event so thanks again,
