Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rep. Carl Gatto's BFF Pam Geller Says "Don't Buy Butterball Turkeys - They're Islamic!"


  1. She is a nightmare, a ridiculous nightmare.

  2. Mr Phil. What kina galldang mooslin freakin spit you tryin ta push on us now. You tellin me i caint stop an git the berd i hit and havs ta pull over 2 hunnerd yards an run back an kick it in the hed soz mah famly cud have a reel "merikin" meal. Sum times Mr Phil you just moovz me to no end.

  3. Curious, I went to the page of a nasty Facebook poster on an Alaska Dispatch article and found the guy raving about Butterball Turkeys.

    O.M.G. it was a journey into whacko-land with his friends that laughed and joked about the craziest things - associating everything with Halal. Guess they are the Exceptional Americans that believe they are the tail that wags the dog of the invisible hand of the free market?

    Good luck with the boycott of Campbell's soup and Butterball Turkey freaks.

  4. sendlawyersgunsandmoneyNovember 24, 2011 at 5:47 AM

    Bad time to own Butterball stock...

  5. Just wait till these bozoids find out that most of the meat in the US is probably processed by immigrants with varying degrees of official permission to be here and work here.
