Saturday, October 22, 2011

Occupy Wasilla - Saturday, October 22, 2011

I went over to central Wasilla this morning to give support to the Occupy Wasilla folks, and to take pictures and interview a few people.  A lot of motorists honked as they drove by.

I interviewed one of the organizers:

I interviewed longtime friend Jay Cross about local press reception to Joe McGinniss' book, The Rogue, and about Ray Metcalfe's ongoing protests against the Anchorage Daily News:


  1. Thank you for doing this. It was interesting to listen to the solidarity. I'm glad I bank with a local bank. Unfortunately, my Alaska Airlines mileage credit card has a balance that I need to pay-off before I can close the acct. (BOA).

  2. Drove by around noon today. There wee no more than 6 people hanging around at that time. Looks like you had a few more.

  3. When I was there, there were never more than 13 people, but about six more came and went while I was there. A lot of quality there, though, if not the numbers one might hope for. In NYC numbers, 19 in Wasilla translates into 95,000 people there.

  4. They have no clue what they are doing there anymore than those screwing each other under tarps at the OWS protest. They would do us all a favor by doing a *Jim Jones*.

  5. Actually pretty simle gripe. Media & gov't have been corrupted by coporate interests & 'citizens united' campaign donations that ultimately control the system to their advantage. The mainstream media is also bought out & controlled by the Counsil on Foreign Relations. Everything you hear or see on TV is fetted, filtered garbage to control the people. I would advise to investigate Independent News online (for yourself). I will be the ONLY place to get real information on what is going on. Also, search 'Occupy Wasilla' on facebook. Our social media page is dedicated to educating the public and bring light to the Occupy Movement. More & more people are learning more about what our gov't & media is hiding from us.
