Saturday, September 3, 2011

Putting Up Food

Judy got back from a week on the Kuskokwim delta yesterday. Today we put up a lot of food.  She thawed and picked raspberries, picked the last of the rhubarb.  Then she made jam.  I cut tomatoes and started drying them in the oven.  They are Stupice and Black Cherry.

Here's Judy, slicing rhubarb to add to the raspberries.

Friday's Frontiersman carried a front page warning for gardeners to check for potato blight.  I did.  So far, we're spared.  Here are the ones I dug up to see:

I found a couple of Boletus edulis mushrooms, walking Strider today.  Here's one of them:

The Boletus, cut up ready to be mixed with some of the smaller red potatoes, garlic, salt, parsley and chives, sauteed in butter.  With Sockeye salmon and a lettuce-tomato salad from the gardens.


  1. You live what you believe. Excellent gardening and preserving.

    Congrats! I got 4 small tomatoes this year from 6 vines...the constant heat down her in the south just ruined the plants, no matter what I did.

    You could do some real good in teaching others with the space to grow their own beautiful, bounties. What are your secrets, other than living in a decent growing spot?

  2. Excellent! We are in our second day of spring downunder but it's been unusually cold but I've promised myself the first day I open my door and am greeted with warm air I'm attacking the garden!\

    I am trowel ready!

    - OzMud

  3. looks great! this may be a stupid question but I am curious... what do you do with the dried tomatoes?

  4. OzMud,

    I love gardening so much I'd almost like to live here from March to the end of September, then down under the rest of the year, so I could garden 2X a year.


    We use them lots of ways: in Mediterranean pasta dishes, along with olives and preserved artichokes; in omelettes; or to gobble up all by themselves.

  5. phil,

    thank you for your response, and please forgive my ignorance as I ask you another question. I have never grown enough tomatoes to be able to preserve them (i'll eat tomato sandwiches twice a day!) so I am curious about this drying process.

    when you dry them, are they chewy like the sundried tomatoes that you buy in the store? how long do they keep when you dry them, and is there any particular thing you need to do to keep them for a decent length of time? thank you.

  6. No garden this year for me --- my yard is still recovering from last year's construction of a new driveway retaining wall. I hope to prep a bed before the frost hits, and plant some of my surviving Egyptian walking onions.

    We had a poor wild berry crop in Juneau this year, so the robins, jays, squirrels, and finally a black bear cub got most of my cherries.

    But I have been finding a few shaggy mane (inky cap) mushrooms, and made a nice omelet yesterday.

    I won't pick the abundant shaggy mane bloom in the median of Egan Drive due to pollution there, but I did go out and dig up some of the mycelium there and will plant it in a few likely spots in my back yard to see if I can get some there next year.

    I forgot to check for Chicken of the Woods mushrooms, and when I finally went out looking, found them all rotten and moldy. Oh well.

    You make me jealous, since tomatoes here require a greenhouse.
