Monday, September 19, 2011

Joe McGinniss on WNYC's Leonard Lopate Show Monday

Joe McGinniss, author of The Rogue, which comes out tomorrow, and I reviewed Saturday, was on WNYC's Leonard Lopate Show Monday, for most of an hour.

My name came up, in context of my June 1997 discussion with Sarah Palin at the Wasilla Assembly of God, at which she and I had just performed, so to say.  There's a minor error in how Joe relates how I became curious about Palin's belief in young earth creationism at that time.  He states that I found out about Palin's belief through my wife.  That wasn't the case.  I found out through a variety of means, partially through a former member of that church, who certainly doesn't want to be named.  But mostly, through discussions with other parents or school teachers involved in support groups in the school district's ELP program.  Many of us were concerned about Palin's earlier efforts to stack the Mat-Su School Board with creationists.

Otherwise, an interesting interview by somebody who professionally prepared himself for the subject.

Here's the audio of the interview:


  1. Professionally prepared, you must mean unlike the supreme ass Piers M.

  2. Egad! Morgan was such a cad. Not just to McGinniss, but to the earlier guests. And he mostly wanted to talk to the Norwegian PM about the so called "war on the rich." When discussing the summer massacres near Oslo, Morgan seemed one cold, uncaring fish. He makes Larry King seem warm.

  3. Phil, I saw your most excellent post re: book reviews linked from Daily Dish today - sweet! It is a great summary.

  4. I heard the interview and was going to mention it to you at FDL, but I haven't seen your screen name there all week. Then I remembered that you do this blog.

    In general, I don't pay much attention to sarah palin, but since you have this connection, I listened to the interview.

    One thing that I didn't understand was her relation to darker people. If she, in fact, had an affair with Glen Rice and remained friendly, and she had devils cast out by the African preacher, how did she reconcile those instances.

    I know that a person can dislike a group but like individuals. That explanation didn't seem to be given. Also, I may have been mistaken, but I got the impression that there was more than one liaison with a black man. He (or they) was (were) not famous.

  5. I thought I could use my screen name, but not to be. I am the previous Anonymous.
