Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sousa's Washington Post March at the Alaska State Fair Parade This Morning

The Mat-Su Concert Band. I joined them this morning in Palmer, to play during the hour before the parade. My trombone is on a chair off at the far right, behind the section.


  1. Has anyone ever considered forming a Palmer Marching Band? That would be SO awesome, even if they only performed once or twice a year!

  2. Nobody wants to do that. A lot of Alaska high school and middle school band directors who located here from outside did it s they could escape having to do marching band.

    A few high schools have tried it here, most notable Colony HS in Palmer. I don't think the marching band there or at any other AK HS I've seen was ever large enough to really do what they are supposed to - make images on the football field at halftime that make the audience go "Awesome!"

  3. My sentiments exactly, Phil.
    Gleo Huyck
    Director, Mat-Su Concert Band

  4. Even Sousa's band of 40 years only marched 8 times and Sousa did that reluctantly.

  5. Gleo,

    He had had his fill of marching as a Marine, eh?

    Thanks for letting me join you yesterday. So good to sit with old friends.
