Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saradise Lost - Book 5 - Chapter 81: In Alaska, 4th of July Eve Will Always Be Known as "Quitterday"

One of the last things Sarah Palin was able to do before she wandered off into the celebrity-sphere, was to create a new holiday in Alaska.

It is on the day before the 4th of July, so if Independence Day falls on a Saturday, one might even get her new holiday off from work, which is fitting, as we've come to call her holiday Quitterday, in honor of her July 3, 2009 announcement that she was going to quit her job.

Here's a collection of some of the images one gets when you google Images of Sarah Palin Quitting:

Happy Quitterday, everyone, including you - Sarah Palin.


  1. Ah I remember it well. Too well. I am still waiting for my Independence Day ... from Palin(s).

  2. Whatever happened to those federal indictments that your "sources with CNN" were blathering about ?

  3. Still coming Sarah!
