Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Housekeeping - Part One

It has been way too long since Progressive Alaska updated the items that stream down the right-hand side of this blog.  As you can see, the Progressive Alaskan Blogs list has been revamped.  I've removed all blogs inactive in 2011.  I'll try to add some, and could use suggestions.

I've removed the dead link to my music site that was pulled down a year ago.  I'm working on a new one.

I've added a new category - Tacky Progressive Alaskan Blogs.   It contains only three:  The Immoral Minority, The Mudflats, and Politicalgates.


Both The Immoral Minority and Politicalgates have tried to keep readership up by covering the marriage of one of Sarah Palin's kids to the daughter of a longtime friend of mine in ways that I find disgusting.  Though both blogs pretended to only publish stuff like what they put up today as "newsworthy," the comment streams accompanying the articles could have only brought heartbreak to the family of the young woman whose picture they published.  The blog administrators should have known that before they put up the posts.  In the case of The Immoral Minority, last week Jesse compared the town that was most instrumental in defeating the coal bed methane scam in the Valley seven years ago to a sexually transmitted disease.

If that isn't tacky, I don't know what is.  Sutton is a real town, with an intensely interesting history.  He lives in a subdivision where every fucking house could be mistaken for the one next to it, like in Las Vegas or Phoenix. 

In the case of The Mudflats, a blog whose articles are sometimes groundbreaking in their progressive content, what forced me to place it in the new tacky category was the meretricious way Jeanne covered Vic Kohring's attorney's request for a new venue in the upcoming retrial of his Federal corruption case.  Not only did she seem to accuse Vic of bailing out on Alaska by going with his attorney's sound advice, her article in this matter was somewhat of a pile-on after she had intentionally created a false meme about Kohring's introduction and sponsorship of Alaska HB 300 back in the 2006 legislative session.  If that doesn't qualify as tacky, I'm not sure what does.  And I'll pile on:  Devon's column could easily find itself in Kohring's attorney's brief as evidence as to why the venue needs to be changed.

More housekeeping coming up.


  1. I'm sure your fellow bloggers will appropriately reciprocate with a "cranky butthurt hand-wringing progressive blogs" category.

  2. I sympathize with the parents in question. I imagine they envisioned a beautiful church service for a beautiful bride (with a degree and an exciting and fulfilling future to look forward to) marrying a good provider from a good family and having babies down the track. Who wouldn't want that? You can't say that they didn't give their daughter all the advantages ...

    ... but it's not like their daughter just appeared in the midst of the toxic Palins out of nowhere; it's not like she didn't work for Sarah Palin, not like she didn't support Sarah Palin publicly, not like she didn't travel with Sarah Palin, not like her wedding picture didn't appear in the Palin tabloid of choice - and not like she won't be appearing on stage in the event of a Sarah Palin presidential run (you can't blame the bloggers for any of that).

  3. You really have lost it. You failed to mention your ongoing posts about everything Palin that you've been doing for years. Now that another Palin skank has been knocked up you are outraged that it is being reported? Look in the mirror Phil, it is time to shut down your blog before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

  4. And just how did those pics, wedding and babyshower, get into the hands of those bloggers, either a friend?? of the family or the Palin's themselves had to have put them out there. Why aren't the Palin's protecting their daughter-in-law and future grandaughter instead of exploiting them? None of the pics, the wedding or the baby shower) needed to be put out to the public, other high profile people seem to be able to keep most of their private lives private..seems you are upset just because she's a "friend" of yours. Britta has been involved with this family long enough to know what she was getting into, she posed for the pictures, no one forced her to do it.
    I hope the new couple and their baby can have a happy "private" life together, if that is what they REALLY want.

  5. And just how did those pics, wedding and babyshower, get into the hands of those bloggers, either a friend?? of the family or the Palin's themselves had to have put them out there. Why aren't the Palin's protecting their daughter-in-law and future grandaughter instead of exploiting them? None of the pics, the wedding or the baby shower) needed to be put out to the public, other high profile people seem to be able to keep most of their private lives private..seems you are upset just because she's a "friend" of yours. Britta has been involved with this family long enough to know what she was getting into, she posed for the pictures, no one forced her to do it.
    I hope the new couple and their baby can have a happy "private" life together, if that is what they REALLY want.

  6. Jesus Phil, already forgotten your multiple year Palin series? You sound like FOX News. Only report what you want us to hear, wring your hands when the truth comes out. Move on already.

  7. Sorry Phil but people in glass houses should clean their own windows first..they may be able to see things more clearly before throwing stones.

  8. God Bless you Phil. And SHAME on the newly crowned trashy blogs. It's one thing to stalk people for "juicy info". It's another to post findings on the internet. Neither of those blogs have EVER been considered legit for good reason.

  9. I can guarantee that these blog owners received the pics from an undercover blog reader who creates facebook aliases to "friend" in the know people. Or they find the one profile that was kept public.

    Note to the masses, Just because a facebok profile is public DOESNT give ANYONE the right to use the contents to their "benefit".

    With that in mind, what is the ultimate goal in posting such pictures? Personal pleasure? There isn't one. People are hateful and it shows.

    Grow up!

  10. ProudtobeconservativeJuly 20, 2011 at 7:26 AM

    People who live others' lives are losers for that reason alone. I pity them. I really do. They knew nothing would come from posting stuff like that, except more hateful comments. directed at innocent people.

    Trash, all the time.

  11. Thank you Phil. Reading those posts on THOSE blogs was not the first time I have been outraged to the point of visible anger. But sadly, I expected them to be written.

    There are people in this world who simply live sad lives. We can now attest to that via the blogesphere.

  12. Phil, who do you think put the pics out there? They didn't just magically jump from the camera disc to the internet.

    And who do you think benefits when bloggers start in-fighting? Yep, HER - you betcha!

    AND guess who will be posing on the cover of a glossy weekly in early September with her BRAND NEW GRAND-DAUGHTER to blunt any criticism from McGinniss's new book?

    And AGAIN, who benefits when anti-Palin bloggers start going after each other...

    You betcha!

    Signed, KatieAnnieOakley

  13. I just wish people would let others live their own lives. Both T and B are part of amazing families. Are all the haters jealous because it's becoming pretty apparent that's the cause of their hateful posts.

  14. With all due respect, Phil, to be fair you also would need to add Palingates to your new list. They also posted Britta's baby gift registry.

    I find it odd that you are attacking the messenger when someone from the Palin family made sure those photos made it into the hands of the bloggers.

    Also....SOMEONE in the Palin family sold the wedding photos to People Magazine. I don't understand your feelings to some bloggers when the Palin family is allowing these photos to come out. The family is not protecting Track and Britta. I think your anger may be misdirected.

  15. Re IM - the problem is both with the blog posts (I forgot to mention the scatological Haines bumper post) and the incredibly nihilistic tone of a high percentage of commenters.

  16. It's your blog, you get to do what you want with it, right?

    But it does seem fairly small of you to single out certain blogs for a "tacky" category when content they post crosses your own personal boundaries.

    Mudflats is a superior blog, it has been for a long time. IM is one of a kind, and people who frequent Jesse's site know what they are getting. Politicalgates (offshoot of Palingates, and neither of which is ALASKAN) offers wide-ranging analysis and commentary on many topics.

    Your blog (which I thought you were giving up) also offers a unique perspective, largely Alaskan, on a variety of topics.

    So, why the smear? All it does is diminish you and what you have to say. It's more Sarah Palin than the Phil I thought I knew.

  17. One more thing. A blog owner is responsible for the blog posts. Commenters, especially on some blogs, are free to add their own take and this may or may not be in alignment with the blog owner.

    Politicalgates rarely censors comments. IM has to approve all comments. Mudflats reviews comments and tosses trolls out.

    I'm sorry you're having a grumpy day about other fellow progressives, Alaskans or not.

  18. Beautifully said Ennealogic! And for the Fairy Tale Troll who has migrated over here....for the fifty-eleventh time....NOBODY IS JEALOUS OF THE FAMILY OF GRIFTERS...NOBODY!

  19. Phil, you need mental health counseling. You're being an ass!

  20. I'm no fan of Sarah, but unless they put themselves out there in the public eye like Bristol did, her kids and their friends and loved ones should be left alone.

    I wish her son and his new bride a long and happy life away from the limelight and busybodies.

    Have you considered adding Stonekettle Station to your blogroll? I sometimes find great posts there.

  21. "Have you considered adding Stonekettle Station to your blogroll? I sometimes find great posts there."

    --- part of housecleaning part two.

  22. Actually, I just saw Stonekettle Station's take on Bradley Manning. Never mind.

  23. How sad. You have picked 3 blogs and labeled them "tacky". I have always enjoyed your blog and I remember a few of your posts that were pretty "tacky", but I go with the flow on the internet. I agree with Ennealogic's comment. It speaks volumes how you have reacted to all of this.

    Very sad. I guess your idea of freedom of speech is limited to what you are comfortable with.

  24. "Very sad. I guess your idea of freedom of speech is limited to what you are comfortable with."

    Part of my idea of freedom of speech is to list every progressive blog in Alaska I know of as being progressive. I list them. I allow readers here to link to the Immoral Minority, The Mudflats and Politicalgates. I communicate fairly regularly with Patrick, Kathleen and Gryph. They list Progressive Alaska as a progressive blog.

    The Mudflats does not link to PA or Politicalgates. IM does not link to Politicalgates. FWIW, Politicalgates, like PA, links to all the blogs mentioned here.

    Whose freedom of speech has been truncated by whom here, anon @ 10:31?

    In context, you may be pointing your finger in the wrong direction, my friend.

  25. Hi Phil,
    I just wanted to say that I have been an occasional reader of your blog for the posts that pertain to Palin or other political topics that interest me specifically because I have a high level of appreciation for your intelligence and for the way that you analyze and then present your subject matter. Additionally, your comments section also attracts just about the same level of commentary (usually) and I enjoy it immensely. It's very different from the other blogs I check up on now and then (Joe McG, IM, PolGates, PalGates).

    With that said, I have to agree with the other posters who have pointed out the history of this blog and how you, yourself, have been accused of the same tackiness and tastelessness. I am remembering a certain poll that received not just a few outraged comments at its "inappropriateness" and yet, you chose to leave it up. As was your choice to do.

    Anyway, my takeaway on the whole Track and Britta and privacy issue is that they sorta blew that out of the water when they plastered their "wedding" pics in People magazine. Just publicizing those details (rushed, it was obvious)invited everyone, it's nature and the "machine," to speculate and gossip. And so it begins. They should have NEVER done that. Big mistake. HUGE. Did they mean to? Are they planning on becoming part of the Palin celebrity? They could have been greasing the machine for a big paycheck for the exclusive baby pics? Is this why Sarah's waiting till late August/Sept to announce? That's just a little taste.

    Honestly Phil, it's nothing but tawdry gossip from this family and they invite it. Seriously, a Newsweek spread with cheesecake pictures? And I'm being "clean" cause honestly, that's not even the first thing I think of and I'm a straight female. Britta worked for Palin as her Exec Asst, mind you, for years. Dated Track for years. I'm pretty sure she knew what she was getting into. I truly don't see her as some sort of innocent. Obviously, she does not have her head on straight if she got pregnant before finishing her education. And Track has no education beyond HS. I'm not passing judgment, young people make the best of such situations all the time. But most young people don't have a celebrity for a Mom, or a Sister whose made bank by being an unwed teen Mom preaching abstinence.

    As much as you or anyone else fusses about them being left alone, they should have never dipped their feet in Mamma's money pond. And that Phil, makes them fair game. Don't hate the player, hate the game. I'm jus' sayin'...

  26. Anon 4:36 - forgot to sign as Susan in MD

    And I am in complete solidarity with you on the whole linking to other websites. I applaud both you and Polgates and I think also Palingates, who links to all blogs for truly supporting Freedom of Speech and not censoring choices for others. It shows a level of maturity that I have seen, at times, lacking in the other blogs mentioned.

    Guess everyone has their points on which they get their knickers in a twist?

  27. such a tempest in a teapot. Blog owners are welcome to put what links they want up, and put them in any category they want to..

    Phil at least lists all the various blogs, Mudflats doesnt, IM doesn't, not a slam against them btw, I read all of them..

    Although Phil, from a reader perspective, if I went to your blog and saw "tacky bloggers" those would be the FIRST links I clicked on... forbidden fruit and all that...

  28. LOL, one person's tacky is another's fav blog.Though I had
    to agree with your assessment of
    both the Kohring piece & the I.M.
    post on the baby shower among many others.

    How is Politcalgates an "Alaskan blog"? Isn't it spawned outside of Alaska as part of the $arah rapture? I.M. Alaska based,is preoccupied w/all things Palin especially gossip. Gossip is tacky. People love to gossip.

    The Mudflats, features good opinion pieces by a cross section of people and usually not too tacky though sometimes loose with facts. It too owes its popularity to the Palin effect. Clearly it's founder, Jeanne and one of the contributors, Shannyn, continue to milk obsessions of readers with all things Palin. I vote you remove the "Tacky" Alaskan Blogs heading and simply put in a section listing top ten or top five "tacky" blog pieces of the month. Readers could nominate and vote up the list the top ones for that period. This gives everyone a fair shot for "stupid" recognition. That would make for lively comment discussions.

    I usually enjoy your blog when I check in even when I agree to disagree ;).

    Cheers and keep on blogging

  29. Dear Progressive Alaska -

    You link to Wickersham's Conscience, and sometimes tacky, cheesy and even offensive blog posts appear there. Comments are more restrained, partly because a lot of them never make it past the screening.

    But fundamentally, this is your blog and your decision. If your readers don't like your decisions, tell them what Wickersham's Conscience says: "Go write your own blog, then."


  30. WC,

    There seemed to be a boom in liberal/progressive blogs in AK between late 2007 and late 2009. Then it slowed down, and some that were quite active for a while backed off to being quiescent. It probably had less to do with the Pain phenomena than with expanding use of and understanding of laptops and highly capable PCs.

    People use facebook a lot more now than in 2007, and a lot of people, including me, follow twitter.

    The kinds of essays and articles you post are classic blog material, universally of high quality. What posts you have had that might have been tacky or cheesy were not hurtful cheap shots, as in IM and PoG, or intentionally dishonest, as in the M.

  31. Notice - identity theft results in removal of comments
