Saturday, July 9, 2011

Come See Coal Country for FREE at The Anchorage Museum Tuesday

On Tuesday, at the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center's Theater (it is by the old museum entrance on 7th Avenue), the Mat Valley Coalition will host a free viewing of the powerful documentary film, Coal Country. Here's part of an announcement:
Free Film Night:

Coal Country will be shown at the Anchorage Museum, July 12, 7pm, Snacks & discussion.
Questions call Brian at 907-744-1771 or email
With large, huge and gigantic coal developments proposed for upper Cook Inlet, this is a must-see film.

Here is the film's trailer:

Please join us for an informative film, and lively discussion.

The Mat Valley Coalition will also be offering training for anyone interested in becoming a community advocate on coal awareness issues:
Free community advocate training August 8 & 9 from 4-9pm.
Location: Church of the Covenant, 415 S Bailey St, Palmer, AK 99645
Questions: Heather 907-746-0128 or

CITIZEN ADVOCACY ACADEMY will be held in Palmer at the Church of the Covenant, August 8 & 9 from 4-9pm.

Are you wanting to make a change in your community, but not sure you have the tools or training you need? In this exciting two-day training, you will learn tools and tips of the trade that you can use to make powerful, lasting impact in Alaska. Join professional outreach staff with experience on a local and national scale how to: set concrete and achievable goals, participate in the political process, listen to and talk with diverse audiences, effectively work with media, and more! You will also have the opportunity to take action on important Mat Valley Coalition and community issues that need our help. The Citizen Advocacy Academy is FREE. Dinner is included. Space is limited. Please RSVP to Heather at
note - the author is secretary of the board of directors of the Friends of Mat-Su, which is hosting and helping administer the Mat Valley Coalition, and has donated to the coalition.

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