Monday, June 6, 2011

Gotta Hand it to the Weiner - He's as Big a Liar as Palin

This video was done a few days ago, before Monday's confession. I think Obama should encourage him to head up TSA's new airport program, checking under the foreskins of goys for WMDs. That's a job he wouldn't blow.

Weiner's biggest fuckup in this matter has been to give Andrew Breitbart credibility at about the time the latter might have been put away to sleep.


  1. Sir, first time commenter all the way from Malaysia.

    Your heading "He's as Big a Liar as Palin". Seriously?

  2. For you Phil, this is all about him being Jewish. Put this together with your previous Jew-bashing and countless Israel-hating posts, and its clear that you're just a filthy dime-store anti-Semite. Get yourself some professional help.

  3. She lies every time she opens her mouth and has never admitted to any of them.
    He lied, yes, but within a week , he admitted it, in front of press and the nation. There is NO comparison.

  4. He's definitely a liar and a weiner (and should resign), but doesn't even come close to the $P magnitude of pathology. At least he came clean. Alaska's shame never has, never will.

  5. Uh, no. She lies constantly about everything. If her lips are moving she's lying. I don't think that description fits him. Also, too, and you betcha, the Tundra Turd never apologizes; she spins. Then too, "he who," and all that other word salad, I haven't heard anything about Weiner unleashing his rabid monkeys (does he have any?) to re-write a Wikipedia page to fit his version of events. He is guilty of a special kind of stupid, and he should be required to wear a helmet in public.

    Your bias is glaring bitterly in this post, Phil. Much as I hate to use the phrase, it fits. Epic fail.

  6. David,

    It is not about Rep. Weine being Jewish, it is about him being an asshole.

    Just hours ago, one of my favorite ex-Senators, Russ Feingold, led a march in Madison, WI, protesting for workers' rights, at which at least five have now been arrested. I've written dozens of posts here praising former Rep. Alan Grayson. Both Feingold and Grayson are Zionists, Grayson an ardent defender of Israeli policies that I oppose.

    In one of his more stupid texts, Weiner himself brought up Jewishness, in a rather vulgar way (look it up - it is linked above).

  7. Your title is way off!!!! Weiner doesn't even come close to lying as much as the tundra turd! If he should resign because of this, then what would be appropriate for $carah?

  8. Sorry Phil, I'm a NYer and couldn't disagree with you more. He lied about something that was really no one's business anyways. Sarah lies about everything including the weather!

  9. I guess if your gonna mess with a conservative Supreme Court Justice you better be squeaky clean.

  10. Blog title change coming in 3..2..1. Seriously? Progressive? How so?

    Weiner was the only congress critter that I know of hounding a sitting supreme court justice via twitter over his ties to Liberty and you're already lumping him in with Sarah Palin!?

    I'm in Weiner's corner until someone proves he committed an actual crime. You should be, too. As a progressive and all.

  11. What he did is not nearly as damning as his lie, point given. However, NO one is as big a liar as the Wicked Witch of Wasilla. Actually she IS a lie, and she hasn't been stopped.

    If he does his job properly, then it is up to his constituents whether he should stay or go.

  12. You also should not be saying that he is as big a liar as Palin. His lies are like spitting into the ocean of her lies. It's a gross over-statement. You should correct your heading.

  13. sendlawyersgunsandmoneyJune 7, 2011 at 4:27 PM

    Sorry, as bit a liar as Palin is bullshit, hoss. And at least when faced with the truth and not being able to hide, he didn't double-down like the Queen Paul Revere. Honestly...

  14. Talk about being a liar! David was right on because you just had to bring up the goy remark. Typical of you Munger!
    You use the "but he said" argument because you have no back bone to admit what you really believe. I have more respect for some crazy Muslim cutting my throat then I would ever have for you.
    You are pathetic and lacking in balls.
