Thursday, May 5, 2011

Upcoming Mat-Su Valley Coal Awareness Events

The image at top left is of West Virginia kids playing in coal dust. If Usibelli has its way, kids from Sutton all the way to Pt. McKenzie will soon have their opportunity to play the same games the same way. Listening to Wishbone Hill Mine spokesperson propagandist Lorali Carter on the new radio ads airing on right-wing talk programs in the Anchorage area, at first, one thinks they are a spoof. They are not. They do beg creation of a parody, though. We'll see.

Meanwhile, there are important upcoming events in Palmer that people should be aware of:

I. Breathe Free:
Protecting Our Community From Toxic Coal Dust

Bring a friend to this free community health event!

Monday, May 9th, 6pm – 8pm, (free Mercury hair testing begins at 5pm)
Palmer Depot

Pollution from the proposed Wishbone Hill coal strip mine will be harmful to public health in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley. Come to this public forum to learn about the true costs of this coal mine and the impacts it could have on our health. Local doctors, public health professionals and business owners will share their knowledge and experience dealing with the impacts of coal mining.

Come by the Palmer Depot at 5:00pm to get your hair tested for mercury.
Snacks and coffee will be provided.

610 South Valley Way, Palmer, AK 99645

Sponsored by: Mat Valley Coalition and Alaska Community Action on Toxics

II. Chickaloon Coalition Call to Action on Proposed Chickaloon Area Coal Mining:

1. Rally & Public Comment at Board of Trustees meeting in Anchorage May 10, 3pm.

2. Submit your personal Comments to the Board of Trustees with the online Form

3. Public Comments by teleconference May 10, 3:45 pm.

The Alaska Mental Health Land Trust is once again planning to lease lands in and around Chickaloon for coal development. According to the Trust Land Office, they have received unsolicited inquiries from multiple mining companies about the lands in Chickaloon. They are considering conducting a competitive lease offering for 11,486.68 acres. On Tuesday, May 10, the Trust Authority Board of Trustees will meet in Anchorage, and decide whether to proceed with this lease offering.

Join us for a rally & public comments in Anchorage at 3 pm, Tuesday May 10th.

Carpool from Vagabond Blues in Palmer leaves at 2pm. Call 746-0128 to coordinate.

In Anchorage meet 3 pm at: The Trust Authority Building 3745 Community Park Loop Anchorage, AK 99508

If you can not join us in Anchorage, please participate via teleconference or webex.

The May 10th meeting begins at 9am,

Resources committee reports on Chickaloon Coal Leases at 9:45 am,
public comment period is at 3:45 pm.

The Board meeting is two days. They may vote on the Chickaloon leases on Tuesday or Wed. May 11th.


  1. The DNR decision on the Chuitna coal mine unsuitable lands petition was due on April 19, but has been delayed and delayed due to the DNR being "so busy." However, DNR still has found the time to issue all kinds of new permits to PacRim. Be vigilant, people...

  2. great post. I am sold on the fact that West Virgina style mining is coming to the area and that all of our kids are going to die of black lung.

    I hope after I help spread all of this propoganda alongside you that I am not made out to be a fear mongering idiot if my kids aren't born with three heads or if all of the fish don't roller over after turning pruple. But hey, it seems as though are claims are all based on facts right?

    can you help me come up with a name to my new website? I was thinking; or or

    your advice would be appreciated

  3. "your advice would be appreciated"

    go for it, friend. you seem to have a way with coming up with red herring web site names. and with simplistic pushback.
