Wednesday, April 13, 2011

There Are Now Cracks in Three of the Four Fukushima Reactor Vessels - 400,000 to Develop Cancers Within 200 K of Fukushima - Unless It Gets Worse


  1. Not sure what the motivation is. You're deleting comments about the relationship with Chernobyl. So what is it that you'd like readers to discuss and engage in?

  2. I have not deleted any comments here at any posts that weren't automated spam for weeks. Perhaps somebody else is.

  3. Cant wait for Alaska to get cheap nuklur. We don't have enough wind,thermal,tidal,solar power to get by on. Guess i will just give up my whole idea of a wood fired steam engine.

  4. Phil, I don't know what that means - "automated spam for weeks" and "somebody else". Is there someone else managing your blog?

    You had several comments by different posters discussing Chernobyl on your 12April post, "Fukushima vs. Chernobyl - Do We Want 5,000 or More Alaskan Kids to Look Like This in 25 Years?"

    None of the comments were posted.

  5. "None of the comments were posted."

    I had nothing to do with that. If someone is managing comments here other than me, it is without my knowledge or approval.

  6. Two of my comments also didn't show up in the Fukushima vs Chernobyl comment section.

  7. I just tried posting two comments here discussing the recent radioactivity found in Hilo milk. The comments showed up for a second and then disappeared. Could our government be deleting them?

  8. Radio activity in Hilo milk?? Is that in Alaska?


  10. EPA reported results of testing Hilo, Hawaii milk on 4/10/11: 24 pCi/l of Cs-134, 19 pCi/l of Cs-137, and 18 pCi/l of I-131 . Cs-137 has a half life of 30 years. I-131 has a half life of 8 days meaning it will take about 100 days to get rid of it (assuming it is a one-time exposure).

    No one is testing milk, drinking water, precipitation, or fish in Alaska.

  11. "Two of my comments also didn't show up in the Fukushima vs Chernobyl comment section."

    I'm also getting reports in my e-mail that comments at threads related to radiation from the Fukushima meltdown are being removed. To reiterate and expand:

    1) I am not doing this.

    2) I am the only registered administrator for PA.

    3) This has never happened here before, to my knowledge.

    4) I'm too busy until Monday to pursue this with the Google folks.
