Monday, April 4, 2011

In Anchorage - Get Out And Vote Tuesday

The Anchorage Municipal Election is Tuesday. I don't live there, so I stay out of writing about it mostly. I wrote a bunch of articles about Proposition 64, though.

Of the candidates running for the assembly or school board, the person I've grown most fond of is incumbent school board candidate Pat Higgins. You'd think that anyone as knowledgeable, dedicated and sensible as Pat would be a shoo-in. He isn't, in the midst of a powerful GOP assault upon reason, conducted largely in powerful fundamentalist churches and by their congregants.

The Mudflats is carrying election articles today from Anchorage blogs. Check them here.

Bent Alaska has a recommended list.

The Alaska Commons has several excellent articles, including a candidate forum report.

Anchorage - Get Out and VOTE!

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