Friday, March 11, 2011

Palin's Japan Earthquake Tweet


--- Japan quake shows gov regs strangle. R hearts R w/ Japan to reload nuke plants w/o regs - don't retreat - fallout a commie plot - and rebuild cities w/o codes. Codes & regs are frill baby frill.

--- /s


  1. This is a tragedy of epic proportions, and this is what she tweets? She is such a paid corporate shill. And heartless.

  2. Is this a joke?? I'm a geologist, and if that woman said that, I would personally like to smack her smarmy know-nothing face. Does she have ANY idea how bad things would be in Japan if they didn't have excellent building codes and very specific earthquake procedures? God I hate that braindead nitwit.

  3. BS. If you look at her twitter feed @!/SarahPalinUSA you'll see that all she says about the issue is: "Prayers for Japan in these turbulent times. May recovery be swift and complete after this earthquake and tsunami."

    I don't like Sarah Palin as a politician but stuff like this just undermines your position against her, IMO.

    I suppose the link to the definition of "snark" is supposed to serve as some sort of "out" for you should someone call you on this, btw. Am I right?

  4. Stunned & stupid revealing more of her ignorance. Yea, she's the queen on knowledge in the energy dept and I'm the Queen of England!!

    Can we drop her in with the coolant?? Please, please, pretty please!!!

    Imagine all the death and destruction if just Toyko was not built with codes.

  5. BTW, you really should make it clearer to people when your article is supposed to be a parody (outside of a barely noticeable link); nothing else on this blog is even remotely like this, at least from the couple of pages that I briefly scanned over.

  6. Not funny.


  7. pls consider apologizing to your readers,
    frame the heading as satire or consider scrubbing it all together. your writing is otherwise intersting and sometimes compelling, but this goes beyond the pale.

  8. *snort*
    you brat...
    Like it ain't to far of a stretch, that such a thing could flow from the Worst Governor Ever's brain...
    Good grief Phill you owe me a cup of coffee!

  9. Come on, people! The length of the tweet should have been a give away. Sounds just like her though. I thought it was funny satire on her.

  10. Phil: Ignore the haters. There's no need to apologize and it was damned funny. They just got the red-ass because they were credulous enough to believe it, or because they so badly wanted it to be true and were disappointed that it wasn't.

    Haters: Chill baby chill. Some clues that it was snark:

    1) There was no link to Twitter so you could see the original.

    2) It wasn't a screenshot. When Palin says something really, really stupid and/or horrid it invariable goes down the memory hole as soon as she gets called out. The only way to capture the fleeting glimpses of epic stupid in those cases is to grab a screenshot.

    3) It was too long to be a tweet. They can only be 140 characters long and just a quick glance was enough to see that it was quite a bit longer than that.

  11. re: "haters: chill baby chill"

    The man hadn't posted any "snark" of this manner on his blog before, and didn't give a clear indication that the "tweet" was a parody. (A link to "" is not clear enough for most, IMO.) He puts what little credibility he has with his blog at risk by posting such things without a clear disclaimer. Maybe you don't care about such things but I bet other readers do.

  12. Nan (aka roswellborn)March 11, 2011 at 3:14 PM

    Honestly? I didn't recognize that teeny little link as a link. But a couple of things clued me in:

    No screenshot
    She's not sharp enough to parody herself on purpose.

    She makes herself a parody every time she opens her mouth (or her blackberry).

    There's no real need to try to parody her, she does it so well already, and - sorry - so much more believably.

    On the other hand, it really says something about her that this *could* accepted as the "rill dill." ha

  13. I thought that it was obviously a joke.

    Seems like she had refused federal stimulus funds for improving our home energy use up here on the grounds that we don't want no stinking government telling us how to build our buildings to any certain code.

    I do not remember if she had an opinion on the nuclear power plant for every village idea that had been being discussed.

    But seriously folks, people make up joke twitters by Palin all the time. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. bt

  14. Inappropriate and petty. IMO you should get the eraser out. Plus I agree with others, it wasn't at all obvious that it was a parody.

  15. Given some of her previous tweets it was all too easy to believe. Ignore the people who are easily offended.

  16. Some of us have been dealing with a tsunami warning all day and aren't necessarily in humor mode. I'm not offended. Just annoyed.

  17. "Prayers for Japan in these turbulent times. May recovery be swift and complete after this earthquake and tsunami."

    Did she REALLY use the word "turbulent" to describe an 8.9 magnitude earthquake, aftershocks and tsunami's? Wow.

    That's about as clever as naming Bristol after Bristol Bay (I mean, Bristol, Connecticut for its ESPN headquarters) and Trig for his condition.

  18. I'm with Nan 'it really says something about her that this *could* accepted as the "rill dill."'

    Honestly, as has been noted by several readers, there were quite a few tip offs that it wasn't for real, and nobody in their right mind takes her seriously anyway.

    Phil, thanks for the laugh. I needed it after I heard President Obama's response to a reporter's question about Bradley Manning today. Thanks for continuing to bring attention to serious matters, and for the less serious things in between that help us keep our sanity.

  19. I'm with Phil.

  20. HA! Phil casts out the bait and reels in the suckers. Hilarious!

  21. I'm with Rob Cypher, who said:

    "BS. If you look at her twitter feed @!/SarahPalinUSA you'll see that all she says about the issue is: "Prayers for Japan in these turbulent times. May recovery be swift and complete after this earthquake and tsunami.

    "I don't like Sarah Palin as a politician but stuff like this just undermines your position against her, IMO.

    "I suppose the link to the definition of "snark" is supposed to serve as some sort of "out" for you should someone call you on this, btw. Am I right?

    March 11, 2011 2:01 PM."


    Dear Mr. Munger:

    I follow your blog daily. Sometimes I comment, often to praise your insights and to criticize your flippant attempts to come across as the hip uber progressive.

    I can't call you out on this one any better than Rob Cypher, who has done that fairly well himself--but I have to say you've gone over the top here with the uber progressive schtick. This post is not about Sarah Palin; it's about your too-cute-by-half sense of wit in the face of serious issues confronting real people in real time--you know, the folks you supposedly champion in your self-appointed "mission."

    Assuming you realize you're a mature middle-aged male, I'm hoping you'll have a talk with yourself about moving beyond adolescence.

    By the way, I caught the "humor" in the "Palin tweet" right away, but I found it inept, just as your gratuitous, ham-fisted digs at President Obama have been on numerous previous occasions.

  22. Yep, yep, if Palin had more than 120 characters on a Tweet she may have tweeted just this! The entire 'tweet' thing is beyond my scope of "interneting" but this is very funny and right on track with what Palin would tweet. I leave the tweeting to the celebrity world and the younger generation. It doesn't seem to be an important viable means of conversation for those over 40, except for Sarah Palin and a few other olds that choose to tweet "politically".

  23. "Fuck off, Palin Supporters" is your response? Honestly? You certainly are dispelling that image that Palin help create about all Alaskans being brain-dead morons incapable of rational debate.

    So are all middle-aged folks from this state this thin-skinned or something?

    PS to Phillip - I can see how Palin managed to get herself a job up there with people like you being her "opposition". You need to re-evaluate your purpose for running this blog, if that purpose was supposed to be something other than misinforming your own side.

  24. I'll go with Phil's response above to the Palin supporters.

    It was funny as hell!

  25. The problem is 1) nobody in this thread is a Palin supporter and 2) Nobody who is a Palin supporter would be caught dead on a "progressive" blog unless it was for trolling purposes. Certainly they're not coming to engage in meaningful conversation (and if they were, they'd be coming to the wrong blog, judging by the juvenile nature of the author and his "anonymous" fans).

    I thought "progressive" meant that you tried to refrain from engaging in "two wrongs make a right"-style logic. Guess I was mistaken there.

  26. "I suppose the link to the definition of "snark" is supposed to serve as some sort of "out" for you should someone call you on this, btw. Am I right?"

    you should have left it at that, Rob.

    I don't have to defend this post or my comment to the Palin supporters who visited the post. They did.

    I refuse to be straitjacketed by a bizarre set of narrow-minded parameters as exhibited by your comments here, or by your own blog.

    Why should I be impelled to follow your rules, Rob?

  27. SARAH PALIN is an IDIOT, but her "tweeter" area did NOT post what is printed here. Please don't be an ass, be cool... Sarah is more than capable of degrading/devaluing herself without ~any~ help.
