Thursday, March 3, 2011

Israeli Company Hires Gadhafi’s Mercenaries – With Approval of the Israeli Government

Tweet about this, Hillary - From Ma'an (and several Arabic and Hebrew sources):

TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma'an) -- An Israeli company is recruiting mercenaries to support Moammar Gadhafi's efforts to suppress an uprising against his regime, an Israeli news site said Tuesday.

Citing Egyptian sources, the Hebrew-language news site Inyan Merkazi said the company was run by retired Israeli army commanders.

The report claims that many high-profile former Israeli officers have been illegally trading weapons in several African nations, and have faced interrogations over their activities in the past.

The news site said the head of the company recently met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Israeli intelligence chief Aviv Cokhavi. It added that the officials all approved the company's recruitment of mercenaries to help Gadhafi.

The leader's brutal crackdown has killed at least 1,000 Libyans so far, human rights groups say.

According to the report, Israeli officials approved the recruitment out of fears that if toppled, Gadhafi would be replaced by an "extremist Islamic regime."

During Gadhafi's four-decade rule of the north African state, he has been one of Israel's most vocal critics.

Company representatives recently flew to Chad to discuss the matter with a high-ranking Libyan intelligence officer Abduallah Sanusi, the report said. During the meeting, Sanusi agreed to pay the company to recruit up to 50,000 mercenaries from African countries, according to the news site.
So, as we contemplate sending in U.S. forces to battle these mercenaries provided - in part - by "our greatest ally in the Middle East" - will the U.S. media just let it happen and bury the fact that Americans are being killed by people hired by Israelis? Don't hold your breath.

hat tip - Seham

1 comment:

  1. Nope, PressTV is now saying 500,000 mercs! US prepares to launch Libya attack >...Reports also indicate that the company has recruited 500,000 African mercenaries, charging the Libyan regime 200 dollars per day for each mercenary.

    Cf. >...Reports also indicate that the company has recruited 500,000 African mercenaries, charging the Libyan regime 200 dollars per day for each mercenary. From vs. Egyptian sources have revealed that the Israeli company has so far provided Gaddafi’s regime with 50,000 African mercenaries to attack the civilian anti-government protesters in Libya...Gaddafi regime pays $2000 per day for each mercenary. The mercenaries receive $100 per day and the remaining goes to Global CST, the report says. From
    Give this "story," another day and there will be anywhere from 1,500,000 mercenaries to 5,000,000 !
