Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Bartlett Democratic Club to Host Exchange on Israel & Palestine This Thursday

Thursday, March 17th, The Bartlett Democratic Club of Anchorage will host an exchange between Mark and Dawn Bonfield, representing Alaskans for Palestine, and David Gottstein, the Alaska director of the America Israel Public Affairs Committee.

The Bonfields and Gottstein have presented at the Bartlett Club before, but not during the same time slot. The Bonfields are known for their engaging, often humorous presentations at which they play both sides of the contentions issues regarding continuing Israeli expansion in the occupied territories of the West Bank. Gottstein has presented twice at the Bartlet Club recently - once to counter an appearance by Alison Weir, director of the organization If Americans Knew, and once to counter the last appearance at the club by the Bonfields.

This should prove to be an interesting presentation. It is likely to overflow well before its scheduled start at 12:00 noon, so plan on being there early:

Anchorage Bartlett Democratic Club
3950 DeBarr Road
12:00 noon
Thursday, March 17,2011

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