Tuesday, November 23, 2010

WTF - Below Zero? Updated

Here's what Palin says:

"It's flipping freezing cold. I was up to 3:00 this morning doing an interview, and it was below zero. So be thankful, wherever you are, that it's not zero."

Where was she?

This interview, which references the new book, has to have been done recently. Palin has been in the Southwest - at the Dancing With the Stars set and in Arizona, so she might be out of touch with what the weather in Alaska has been doing, but it has not been "below zero" Fahrenheit in Wasilla since last winter. These past few days, the weather has ranged from the low teens to the high 30s here.

Has she switched to describing temperatures in Celsius?


  1. Well you know Phil, those liberal scientists are always lying. lol

  2. HAHA, the tough frontier woman!!

    Mild climate you have got there, Phil. Guess I will have to come to visit you at some point. It can be pretty rough in Germany in the winter, you know, very unpleasant, could need a change.

  3. Oh, I wanted to add:

    I guess Sarah Palin now is a victim of the climate in Alaska.

    Poor Sarah! Tell God to change the weather, quick!

  4. I'm less than two miles from her house, and it sure hasn't been below zero here. Can she tell the truth about ANYTHING?

  5. What an absolutely foul & evil woman. No, she can't tell the truth about anything, anywhere, anytime.

    WTF is with that Marge Simpson hairdo? Waiting for it to turn blue from all the cuss words she uses.

  6. Wasn't she in Phoenix signing books yesterday, and in LA Monday watching her daughter um, dance? She's in a studio in Arizona sitting in front of a green screen, and the backdrop of her "living room" studio in Alaska is being projected through the magic of Faux.

  7. Why can't someone call her out on this?

  8. Probably zero celcius...showing how intellechul she is.

  9. Well, so much for intellectual since I couldn't even spell celsius...oops.

  10. whispering...
    psssst Sarah, we had record rain fall this Thanksgiving week and my little weather station on the shore of Lake Lucille hasn't recorded a below zero reading since last February 2010....

  11. Any quotes from SP as governor using Celsius previously? I'm sure she can't spell Celsius or Fahrenheit. Look, she doesn't even know the difference between North and South Korea.

  12. She doesn't differentiate between reality and perceived reality. Thus, "it *was* below zero" and "it *felt like* it was below zero" are, to her, equivalent statements.

  13. It concerns me that she is considered worth listening to.

  14. Greta should lose all credibility for disrespecting her audience enough to set up this ridiculous charade. She obviously knew Sarah wasn't in Alaska. We've known for a long time that Sarah thinks the public is stupid. Apparently, Greta holds the same opinion.

    If she lies about ridiculously small things like where she is and the temperature, she would stop at nothing to create the mythical creature she desires to be.

  15. In the People magazine that was just done...they showed a picture of Todd and Sarah sitting in front of their fireplace and they noted it was made our of fossils...maybe this is the new house that they bought in Arizona?

  16. Gotta Laff just linked both Alaska WTF and this post to "The Political Carnival".

    To check it out---

  17. below zero where I am...north of Seattle. Colder in Seattle right now than it is in Alaska.

  18. Perhaps Mrs. Palin was describing the temperature at the spot where she and Todd were.
