Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Write-in a Polish Name ending with "ski" on My Ballot

The image, taken by my iPhone 1, in a dark voting booth at Pioneer Peak School isn't very good.

As you can see, I succumbed to that great temptation and voted for the Polish-American person for whom friends had been encouraging me to vote.

Below where I've marked my ovals for Scott McAdams, Harry Crawford and Ethan Berkowitz/Diane Benson, I marked another oval and wrote in "Mike Chmielewski."

Kevin Brown - if you haven't voted yet and you read this, I suggest you do the same.

Sorry, Carl.


  1. Why didn't you suggest this a month ago?

  2. It only came up over the weekend. Didn't think of it myself. How about you?

  3. I wish y'all the best of luck in Alaska. I would love to see an upset. Hope Scott wins.

    We-TX-had the best candidate Bill White for Gov--received all the newspaper endorsements & many of Perry's ethics/money problems were revealed leading up to the election. Still, stupid prevailed. As with Palin, he is now launching a nationwide book tour and would not commit to serving his full term. Palin will take credit for his victory, but he would have won without her so don't believe her. Sorry to interject Tx here but am a bit down and mad as he// so I hope Scott wins for the state of AK and to satisfy my revenge from TX.

  4. I'm assuming that there was no Democrat running against Gatto? I find it hard to believe that he is so well loved, but then again, I do have rentals out there in the Valley, and it can be a scary place to visit for an Anchorage Liberal. bt
