Friday, November 12, 2010

Dan Fagan's Cowardly Attack on Craig Medred

Alaska's manliest faux man, Dan Fagan, tried to turn Craig Medred into something worse than Timothy McVeigh on Veterans Day. Why?

Because Dan is Alaska's most visibly insecure male. Within a mile.

Medred wrote for Veterans Day what may end up being the best article by an Alaskan on this year's anniversary of "The War to End All Wars." Fagan parsed the article on the first hour of his show Thursday. I was driving to Costco when I picked it up. I listened in the parking lot until the next station break. Dan's monologue was interesting enough that I downloaded the podcast when I got home.

His message?
[A] horrid, horrid column.

In Craig Medred's world, we'd ALL be bowing down to Allah

This guy makes Denis Kucinich look like Pat Buchanan [did Dan steal that one?]

For Craig Medred to argue on Veterans Day that men and women in combat are the opposite of peacemakers - it is exactly what he's arguing - is disgusting. It does not begin to justify the word "disgusting." There's not a word in the English language that would fit how disgusting this word is.
Fagan concludes:
And it comes from a man who doesn't love his country enough to vote.
I read Craig's column. I disagree with Dan. On most levels.

It's been a long week, though. So here's a short message to Dan:

I'd get people to donate a lot to your favorite charity to see you duke it out in the ring with Craig. Or maybe you could let him have an important hand in a format for responding to your overtly inflammatory accusations.

Years ago, Aaron Selbig thought he had a charity boxing match set up with you. Where were you?

You chickened out.

You're basically a coward.

I'll challenge you to a 3-round boxing match to the charity of Medred's choice, Dan, if you're unwilling to go mano-a-mano with Medred. I'm 63, so you might be tempted.

As you get less fit, your mind seems to be losing what little fitness it once had too. Hopefully, when Joe Miller leaves Alaska sometime next year, he'll take you with him.

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