Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lots of Great Scott McAdams Stuff

Scott McAdams taking a pledge to protect Social Security:

Tom Begich on Moore Up North, explaining how Lisa Murkowski cannot win on November 2nd:

I loaned Tom my classroom blackboard from UAA. He put it to good use.

Scott McAdams interview - Part One:

Scott McAdams interview - Part Two:

Scott McAdams interview - Part Three:


  1. I loaned Tom my classroom blackboard from UAA. He put it to good use.

    No big deal if a liberal uses University assists for a Democrat.

  2. anon @ 10:33 - what is your point? You're certainly welcome to file a complaint with UAA.

  3. @anon 10:33 A republican could borrow it too...where the fuck do you think that fucktard Glenn Beck got the fucking chalkboard asshole?
