Monday, October 11, 2010

How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall? John Luther Adams Knows the Way

I guess he's been practicing.

John Luther Adams, this year's winner of the Rasumuson Foundation's 2010 Distinguished Alaska Artist award will premiere his newest orchestral work, The Light Within, Friday evening at the United States' most venerable venue.

The American Composers Orchestra is highlighting John's piece at their opening concert of this year's season.

This piece is a big thing for John, and a big thing for Alaska. Other Alaskans have performed in Carnegie Hall, but having John's music kick off such an important orchestra's season there is special.

John certainly thinks so. When we spoke today, he was at Sea-Tac Airport, headed to NYC, and pumped. This year he's garnered many honors, but told me he's simply humbled, almost overwhelmed by it all. JLA said the biggest achievement was joining the roster of Rasmusen's distinguished Alaska artists.

Here's an earlier iteration of The Light Within, played by the incredibly skilled California Ear Unit:

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