Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ed to Tony: "You Need to Stand Up and FIGHT!"


  1. Good questions and points made.

    An outside observation would probably venture that Tony is being intimidated somehow.

    My question would be - what is law enforcement like up there? And really only concerned with the "metro" areas.

    I ask because all I've read is that sane Alaskans seem to live in fear of "thugs" bent on retribution. No offense intended, this is purely an observation from someone in the "Lower 48". But, the psychology is astounding to us. Especially in 21st Century America.

    I really do not want to believe that law enforcement is either a)powerless or b)corrupt. If so, things have to change.

  2. Boehlert makes the correct point that Hopfinger is doing his job by covering the story. There's plenty of time for legal action after the votes. It's great that Ed's indignant, but he should stop the name calling. Were i representing Mr. Hopfinger, I'd tell him to be quiet and cover the story and we'd sort out the legal strategy after November 2d. Alas, he hasn't hired me.

  3. "I ask because all I've read is that sane Alaskans seem to live in fear of "thugs" bent on retribution. No offense intended, this is purely an observation from someone in the "Lower 48". But, the psychology is astounding to us. Especially in 21st Century America. October 20, 2010 4:54 PM"

    It is like reading about behind the iron curtain, this AK place.
    Strange and dark.

  4. Anon @ 4:54

    Living in fear? Yes. It has been a State sponsored culture of intimidation and encouraged backlash against 'h8rs,' of Sarah Palin and anyone she supports.

    It started from the moment the luster faded and people started questioning her executive skills.

    Stocking her cabinet with similarly underqualified BFF's from H.S. created such a yes-man environment ignorant of protocol and the inherent mechanisms of checks and balance.

    When Alaskans started questioning the Governor's office, the State's high office responded with juvenile press releases labeling criticisms as opposition-driven and frivolous. The irresponsibility and violation of decorum was astounding.

    The moment McCain tapped her for another job she wasn't ready or qualified for, her supporters went balls-to-the-wall crazy in attacking any other Alaskan that didn't trust the move or support the ticket. It was unbelievable how nasty her supporters got with us asking sound questions, turning on us and attacking us with gusto.

    Thank god for blogs, thank god for the outlet it provides in allowing us to speak truth to power anonymously, because many of us realize the danger to having our names attached to anything Sarah Palin.

    That said, Quyana, thank you Phil, for being strong and brave (straight from the lion's den even.)

    Let the light shine on.

  5. Hey, since the DropZone goons aren't being prosecuted by the city, then it's open season. Next time Sarah Palin is being obnoxious (say, illegally desecrating the American flag), let's have some contract-moonlighting-active duty military-militia stormtroopers cuff and detain her. Better yet, do it to her mouthy, bullying husband, too.

  6. Or even better - a bunch of us ordinary 'Joe Public' volunteer to effect Citizen's Arrests on every single bodyguard/security detail at the next campaign function of any kind, anywhere, for any party.

    They have a very specific trained aggression move. They hold themselves rigidly and move slowly against their target, body-checking without actually putting hands on. They forcefully push up against the person, without appearing to deliver any kind of a blow. The agent is just "standing" there. It's a full-body shove. They maneuver the target to where they want them, or walk them backward, without actually putting hands on. The target shifts weight, puts hands up, grabs on to the agent to maintain balance and position or unconsciously steps back.
    The only other way the target could respond is to stiffen up and resist, pushing back against the agent in the same maneuver, resulting in a Dall Sheep butting contest.
    The primary act of aggression was delivered by the agent, but if there's any resistance by the target, it looks like the target acted first.
    This is what they did to Jill Burke. She retreated because she's a small woman being body-checked by a much larger man. She knew the guy pushed her, but she couldn't do anything about it.

    This move is absolutely an act of aggression, even if it's not visible.
    Bam! Citizen's Arrest, punk!
