Wednesday, October 20, 2010

De Mint to Spend $100K on Joe the Teabagger Campaign

According to Shira Toeplitz at Politico:

South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint is debuting an Alaska ad aiding the embattled Senate nominee he has endorsed, Joe Miller, by highlighting his anti-abortion rights position.

DeMint’s Senate Conservatives Fund is funding an advertisement that begins airing this week that hits both of Miller’s opponents for supporting abortion rights, in an effort to set the GOP nominee apart from Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Democrat Scott McAdams in what has become a competitive three-way race.

DeMint's group has purchased $100,000 in airtime for the advertisement, which will air on both TV and radio. It's the first time the conservative senator's group has run television ads in the state.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee is also parachuting in to Alaska to help Miller – the group announced Tuesday evening it was buying $162,000 worth of television ad time to promote Miller via an independent expenditure.

That's this Jim DeMint:


  1. The game is afoot.

  2. Screw DeMint. Joe Miller isn't in any shape to decide what he'll have for breakfast let alone make decisions on abortion, military budgets, or anything pertaining to national business.

  3. Utterly transparent attempt to spin Joe's flaws as simply a Liberal Media persecution / opposition research war against an unvetted candidate with little to no credibility.

    A repeat of 2008, but the first bitter defeat to a Muslin Socialist Kenyan is only making them dig their heels in deeper for another sham of a candidate.

  4. If AK doesn't elect Scott McAdams, then they are seriously screwed.

    I think Scott's a gem, not only for AK but for the nation.

    Do the rest of us a favor and vote him IN.

  5. Phil-do you see any possibility that Miller will withdraw?

    Did you see the Commission on Judicial Conduct comment at Spiral Watch 9.4?

  6. Did anyone take the Republican poll this weekend? I am wondering why they have not released the results. I expect that this new influx of money shows that miller has taken a dive in the polls and they need to try to bring his numbers back up. The republicans have tied there wagon to this nimrod just as AFN has tied theirs to lisa. I still think that sane Alaskans are making up their own minds and hopefully will refuse to be bought by all the outside money.
