The canoe, which had been put into the driveway after being on a car-top for an excursion on Cornelius Lake, made a swath through the garden resembling the work of a moose family.
A spruce and birch tree at the next-door neighbor's house. The spruce was 60 feet high. Now it is 60 feet long.
Another birch tree. I watched this one go down at about 8:30 p.m. yesterday evening.
One of my potato stacks. The plants got whipped around so much they almost look like a frost nipped them. I'll give them three days to bounce back. If they don't, they'll get pulled.
Our electricity went out around midnight last night, returning at about 7:15 a.m. this morning.
I wonder how well the Palins 15-foot high fence made it through the storm.
glad ya made it through ok dood