Thursday, September 23, 2010

Is Joe the Teabagger the Next John Lindauer?

What does John Lindauer's bizarre 1998 gubernatorial campaign have to do with Joe the Teabagger's apparently successful bid to succeed Sen. Lisa Murkowski in one of our U.S. Senate seats?

Stay tuned. No icebergs, just some common sense and other ingredients.


  1. Would Joe the Teabagger win reelection as Federal Magistrate in Tok, if it had been an elected seat?

    No, because the folks in Tok didn't like his eight day shave look back then because it was symbolic of being a loafer, as he used to sleep away the day on a cot in his office while on the federal dime... ask the people in Tok who had to watch his antics of sleeping behind closed office doors.

    Question is, will Joe the Teabagger bring his cot and loafer routine to DC if elected...

  2. Yeah right. In this race I'm beginning to think that Murky is going to come in last.

  3. I hate what Lisa is doing. Joe will get in with less than half the vote and she'll be smirking because at least a Democrat didn't get in. Will her career end with, "at least a Republican is going to DC!"?

    How many people will get fed up with both Lusa and Joe's antics and vote for Scott? I was going to support the Governor for his reelection until he endorsed Joe. Why can't he tell us to support people who represent our values and he'll work with them?

    The winner only has to get more votes than anyone else, not the majority (50%+), correct? What other elections have gone like this?
