The Comments at Michael Carey's Thursday ADN Op-Ed
Anchorage Daily News op-ed writer and former editor Michael Carey has penned an op-ed for today's edition, titled A Democrat who would be Senator. Carey attended Tuesday's afternoon appearance by U.S. Senatorial race Democratic Party nominee, Scott McAdams, at the Anchorage Senior Center. It was a fairly large crowd of senior citizens by that facility's standards, something around 70 to 80 attendees. Carey states in his piece that he had hoped for a first opportunity to evaluate Scott as speaker and question handler. The essay is certainly worth a read. By and large, it is a positive evaluation of McAdams:
More telling than Carey's piece, though, might be some of the comments that compare McAdams to Teabagger Joe Miller, who would be back to being a fair to middling Fairbanks divorce attorney, were it not for the $600,000 that fueled his campaign, provided by the billionaire, anti-Alaska Koch brothers.Here are some of the comments:Joe the slick Ivy League lawyer, or a real working stiff Alaska family man who has been elected several times to public office and served his community well; let me do the math on that one.
From what we know about Joe Miller he is a carpet bagger who is more concerned about fighting constitutional battles than for funding for Alaska. Joe Miller doesn't want to fight for Alaska's fair share of federal money, Jpe Miller also wants to do away with Social Security and Medicare. Scott McAdams is a much better choice than Joe who has never even served in elected office before. I'll take the fisherman who's been elected to the school board and been mayor of a small town (sounds like Sarah doesn't he) over some lawyer whose never been elected to anything.
Scott McAdams is the easy clear choice. He has the elected experience and he wants to bring home the bacon Alaska needs. Joe Miller is an idealist who will spend the campaign running away from what he really stands for and the things he said while running in the primary. I want a man (or woman) who stands by his word and says who he really is
On the matter of budget dilemmas facing Alaska, I`d sooner trust a local fisherman with some experience of public office over a carpetbagger with eight kids who is on the constant lookout for opportunities to benefit himself and family (ie. the federal benefits of a Senator). Miller is a slicker, more intelligent version of Papa Pilgrim, while ironically, McAdams is actually closer to Palin`s "Joe the plumber" type of character.
Mr. McAdams doesn't use GQ for fashion tips... Reminds me of Jay Hammond, who avoided neckties. Salt of the earth, with intelligence, and open to listening to constituents of all backgrounds is a good thing. Michael Carey slams McAdams by saying: McAdams invoked Joe Miller as not only his Republican opponent but a dark cloud on the horizon of Alaska democracy and prosperity, financed by Outsiders. (McAdams presumably will receive money from a group of "good" Outsiders.) --- I suppose he has a point, but if he did his research, the Outsiders funding Miller are the Koch Brothers. Why are big corporations so interested in Miller??? So what kind of obligations will Miller have to them? The only outside funding I know that McAdams is getting is from organizations like ActBlue, which is funded by individual donors.
I like him already. A real Alaskan. Born here. Fished here. Yelled at by a Norwegian!! Hilarious. Miller is just dark and sinister. This guy sounds great. Who cares if he is a Democrat. He is an Alaskan true to the callouses on his hands, not a pencil neck like Miller. I was undecided.
We will know by the end of Friday whether or not this is a three-way race or a contest between Scott McAdams and Joe Miller.
The only problem with McAdams is that he is a democrat. If Murkowski enters the race he should just drop out.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I've been a Democrat all my life, but I voted for Ted Stevens numerous times after I moved here in 1975. I don't understand why thinking Republicans can't do Democrats the same favor.