Sunday, August 29, 2010

New PA Poll - Which Day More Deserves to Be Called "Sarah Palin Day" - August 29th or July 3rd?

The most obsequious of Palin shrines, C4P, headlined another fawning article on the quitter today, "August 29th: Sarah Palin Day."

I've already labelled July 3rd, the anniversary of Palin's 2009 resignation announcement "Quitterday." To me, that day seems more appropriate as "Sarah Palin Day" than the one on which John McCain doomed his 2008 campaign.

Here's PA's poll:

Which day should be known as Palin Day?:

The day she told us she quit - July 3

The day she doomed McCain - August 29


  1. I don't think she deserves any day in her name.

  2. I agree with both Anjaak & Phil:

    - Palin does not deserve a day in her name
    - If a day has to be chosen, then Feb 30th sounds appropriate.

  3. Her day should be
    Troll Bitch Ho Day

  4. Whatever day it was that she wrote the notes on her palm and looked at them during the Q&A.

    That still is the the high point of her stupidity to me, no matter how much she tries to joke about it.

  5. I agree with both Anjaak & Phil:

    But, if I had to choose it would be July 3, where she actually did a good thing.

  6. Gotta agree with Bones AK - emphasize the positive.

    Might think of a Festivus add-on involving Palin, in honor of her continuous airing of false grievances and feats of phony strength

  7. Feb 30, for sure.

  8. My vote is for Feb. 30th too. Or Aug 32, Sept 34, Oct 33, Nov 35th or the 12th of Never. Hey, on second thought I vote for the 12th of Never!

  9. I'd go with July 3rd (Quittin' Day) so that all public officers forced to quit by their constituents are publicly remembered.

  10. Feb 30 works well for me. Can we add stickers to update Palin calendars for sale, also, too?

    Alaska's most jubilant celebration:
    June 30, 1958 - Alaska Statehood Bill passed Senate

    Alaska's three worst disasters:
    March 27, 1964 - AK earthquake
    March 24, 1989 - Exxon spill
    August 29, 2008 - Palin for VP

  11. Too late to change the poll by adding February 30th, but I like the idea more and more.

  12. Why re-invent the wheel? How about April 1st?

  13. Now it's getting tough. . .I liked Feb 30, but April 1 is even better. I mean do you all remember spitting out your coffee and dropping your mug when she was announced? Such an April 1st feeling.
