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Monday, June 28, 2010
Listening to Singing from Across the Lake
We live on the south shore of Neklason Lake. On the north shore Camp Challenge, a non-denominational Christian-oriented facility, hosts scores of events, workshops, summer camps and such, year-round.
Tonight, some kids are singing around the campfire. One of the songs sounded like Psalm 121.
I'm working on an article that compares the differences between, on the one hand the Taylor and Sennacherib Prisms and the books of Moses; and on the other hand, the small number of video images that have emerged from the MV Mavi Marmara debacle from the participants, compared to the even fewer controlled images that have come from Israeli sources.
image - Pioneer Peak, from the lake offshore of Camp Challenge. Taken last week. PA
Beautiful scenery and beautiful text to sing. I wish I was there.