Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Huwaida Arraf Interviewed After Being Repeatedly Assaulted by Israeli Police After they Kidnapped Her on the High Seas

U.S. attorney and Palestinian Christian, Huwaida Arraf, here describes to CNN her encounter with the brave Israeli sailors and police:


  1. You asked for a site with position reports for the Rachel Corrie on Phil Weiss's blog. Here's one - http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/shipdetails.aspx?MMSI=515886000

  2. Oh puke! She likes to yap a lot doesn't she! I can bet she's reading off a written paper.

  3. She sounds very credible. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

  4. "She sounds very credible."

    Oh, she must be telling the truth then ! Try looking up the word..."Taqiyya" you might learn something.

    P.S. Has this blog ever met a jihadist it didn't like ?

  5. At a pivotal point in world history Israel’s investigation has revealed some 100 people infiltrated the peace and humanitarian aid activists making their way to Gaza, with the explicit design to attack Israeli soldiers using cold arms.

    Some among that group are believed to have ties with World Jihad groups, mainly al-Qaeda.

    The majority of suspects are Turks, but some are Yemenites and Indonesian. One Yemenite Islamist was photographed with a dagger in his belt prior to the raid…

    Some of the suspects were found to be carrying large sums of money. Others had Kevlar vests and gas masks; and all were found to be carrying weapons such as knives, metal clubs and slingshots.

  6. "U.S. attorney and Palestinian Christian,"

    Funny isn't it how this blog generally attacks Christians but finds it convenient to mention this liar is a Palestinian Christian. Hypocrite, much ?

  7. Excellent synopsis of what $P obviously didn't write, Phil. Keep it up.

    The more this fraud is exposed, the more comfortable I feel about this Nazi wannabee.


  8. Previous should have read: "the more this frasud is exposed, the more comfortable I feel about this Nazi wannabee's imminent downfall.


  9. "Older_Wiser"

    If you're seriously comparing Sarah Palin to the Nazis your name should read "dumb and dumber".

    As for real Nazi comparisons look no further than the Left's favorite Islamists "Hamas" who want a new Holocaust.

  10. Hasbara out in full force.

    You don't want Hamas yet they were initially financed by Israel to counter the PLO. Now they try collective punishment and a flotilla is the result. Israel never wanted peace, with peace comes borders being set, and that would stop the Jewish version of terrorist SETTLERS from stealing more land. Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro even publishes a book one when to kill gentiles yet only hamas is terrorist. You people are PATHETIC!!!
