Monday, May 31, 2010

Food Poisoning? - This Guy Should Be Sentenced to Clean the Shores of The Gulf Barehanded for the Rest of His Life


  1. Someone needs to give this guy a stiff-upper-lip. He's like the privileged di**s that I went to High-School/College with (yes, I'm expat Brit) and is an embarrassment. I'm sure in 'private' conversations he probably says things like "those Americans..." etc.

  2. This isn't the only stupid thing to come out of this jerk's mouth. He was being questioned about something related to when the leak would be stopped and he said he wanted it to be soon as he wanted "to get back to my life too". Arrogant bastard if you ask me. The people of the Gulf won't get back to their lives for decades and this man cannot empathize with them for love or money. He is a big fat liar and doesn't give a bugger about what his company has done.

  3. Sounds like the Brit equivalent of all those Ivy League snobs who keep telling us how to live our lives and who all hate America.

  4. There is a great facebook page up that is entitled, "Stop the oil spill by stuffing BP executives into the leaking pipe." How appropriate.!/stoptheoilspill

  5. You need to prove this guy wrong Phil! You aren't there and have no idea if they didn't get sick from eating something. I haven't heard massive groups of people falling down on the job there. Come on Mr. Munger stop with your knee jerk blogging.
