Thursday, April 15, 2010

Saradise Lost - Book 4 - Chapter 64 - "Palin Spends More De-Icing Planes Than For Candidates"

from an article by Reid Wilson for the National Journal's blog, Hotline On Call:

Ex-AK Gov. Sarah Palin (R) spent more money to de-ice her private jets than she did donating money to candidates during the first 3 months of the year, according to new filings made with the FEC.

The filings show Palin's political wing, Sarah PAC, paid a FL-based airplane service company $14K to de-ice a private jet. The PAC spent more than $16K -- twice as much as it donated to individual candidates -- on hotels from New Orleans to New York City to Richland, WA.

The article goes on to detail inefficiencies in the way SarahPAC disburses funds.

Another blog that is looking closely at how PalinPAC spends, is Palingates, where investigation into SarahPAC and the activities of officers and "supporters" of the National Organization for Women (NOW) are being parsed.


  1. How can we critise the quitter. She said she wanted to give money to people she supports. That would be her family.

  2. More evidence of her marginal administrative skills.

