Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Guess How Much U.S. Income Tax Exxon Paid in their Highly Profitable 2009 Year?


  1. 2009, not 2008 in the linked article.
    Maybe zero in 2008, also?

  2. Yes explain that to your children.

  3. They should get a job on Obama's Cabinet. They'd fit right in.

  4. I probably shouldn't need to state that it wasn't Obama or anyone in his cabinet who enabled EXXON, General Electic, Bank of America, and more than two out of three of their corporate brethren who were allowed to escape their income tax obligations.

    Those loopholes were created by Repugnants with their mantra of deregulation and kowtowing to their corporate masters every wish.

    Of course, one can't expect those like Anon@6:29 to acknowledge that fact, to acknowledge reality in any manner might puncture all of the closely held fantasies of wingnuttery.

  5. Wait... I'm sorry, but which political party has controlled the legislative branch for two years now? Mmmhmmm.
