Friday, March 19, 2010

Mat-Su Democrats Caucus Saturday Will Feature Sen. Mark Begich & Shannyn Moore

The Mat-Su District of the Alaska Democratic Party hosted the 2008 State Convention at the State Fair grounds in Palmer. The event ran so smoothly, people forgot we were Democrats.

This Saturday morning, the same group of hardworking moderates, liberals and progressives, will be hosting the 2010 Mat-Su District Caucus.

Sen. Begich will be calling in just prior to lunch. Shannyn Moore will be the lunch-hour speaker.

If you are a Mat-Su Democrat - which includes parts of Chugiak, Birchwood and Peter's Creek, as well as Sutton and parts of the Glenn and Richardson Highways, come on in!

Here's the agenda:

Mat Su Democratic Party Caucus Agenda
House Districts 13, 14, 15, 16 & three District 12 Precincts:
(Farm Loop, Sutton & Sheep Mountain Precincts)
March 20th, Glacier Canyon Grill
2900 Parks Highway, Wasilla

9:00-9:30 Registration

9:30-10:00 Welcome by Pat Chesbro, Chair, Mat-Su Democrats

· Introductions and Recognitions

· Review of Day's Activities

10:30-11:15 House District Caucus Meetings

· Elect Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary

· Elect State Central Committee Man and Woman
· Elect Delegates to State Convention, May 7-9, 2010 Sitka
· Select State Convention Committee members:

Credentials, Party Plan, Platform, Resolutions
(Committees will meet Friday, May 7, in Sitka.)

· Review & Adopt By-Laws, Platform, Party Plan & Resolutions*

11:15-11:30 Mat-Su Democrats' Caucus

· Elect Mat Su Democrats' Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer

· Nominate ADP Vice-Chairs: Currently Katie Hurley and Blake Johnson
· Select Grievance Committee members: 3-5 who are not MSD officers.

11:30-1:00 Lunch - Painting a Red State Blue, One Stroke at a Time

Luncheon Speaker: Blogger, Radio & TV Hostess Shannyn Moore
Please contribute to the luncheon fund, if you can.

1:00-2:00 Committee Meetings:

By-Laws, Credentials, Party Plan, Platform, Resolutions

2:00-2:45 Reconvene to Review & Adopt Committee Reports*

3:00 Adjourn

* Planks for the Platform, changes to the Party Plan and proposed Resolutions will NOT be considered at the State Convention unless approved by a House District Caucus. If the Mat Su Democrats do not endorse a District Caucus approved proposal, the District retains the right to submit it to the appropriate State Convention committee.

You must be a registered Democrat to participate in the Caucus. Voter Registration will be available at the Caucus.

Our Caucuses provide the building blocks from which our National Democratic Party's principles, policies and platforms are molded. Let's create a strong foundation together.

Pat Chesbro, Chair
Sid McCausland, Vice Chair
Phil Munger, Secretary
Carolyn Covington, Treasurer
Mat Su Democrats

P.S.: There will not be an Egan Dinner in March, so that we can focus on the Caucus. Please plan to attend our Egan Dinner on April 16th to meet the candidates for the Matanuska Electric Association Board. MEA ballots are due April 26th. Please vote and please try to attend the MEA Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 27th at 7 pm in Raven Hall.


  1. My husband and I just moved to the Palmer area from an interior bush village. I would love to attend tomorrow though I can not as I have to work. Being new to the area though there is much to learn about the local political atmosphere. There seems to be much for me to absorb. I just hope it is not as bad as some of the bush politics we have been involved with.
    Thanks for your blog and keeping us up to date. I have been a regular reader for some time now though first time commenter.

  2. The Rubber Room Hotel,

    I DO hope you can find time to get to meet our local Mat-Su Democrats. We're a passionate group of people who make friends quite easily and enjoy the challenge of trying to help moderates find a place where they can feel comfortable, and where liberals and progressives know that we can ALL work together.

    If you follow the link to our Mat-Su Democrats' web site, you can find out contact information for the party and for individuals that would love to meet you.
