Wednesday, January 20, 2010

BHO - Fire Rahm --- Hire Dr. Dean


  1. Oh Yeah! He knows how to win elections!

  2. I never understood how he got taken out by an oh yeah. There has worse heard throughout many elections and didn't touch the candidate. Even hearing it today, I shake my head. Compare it to more recent campaign rhetoric. Talk about tame.

    Dean would have been a better choice for HHS from the beginning even before Daschle. To replace Rahm - that works. Rahm has been dangerous from the beginning having his own agenda.

  3. We need to blow up both parties and start all over again...

  4. Agreed, bosshog but not blown up just removed from power......that's why the Tea Party Movement started. The Leftists that frequent this site hate that idea though because the Tea Party Movement is too grassroots for them. The Left need all those billions of dollars from foreign fat cats like George Soros to get anything done. The ordinary, decent folk of Massachusetts (who the Left's favorite broadcaster now calls "racists" and "teabaggers") have rejected the Alinsky elitist's agenda and the establishment is in panic !!

    BTW if any of you folk drive a pick-up truck, the Leftists in the media(MSNBC , Newsweek) now think you're all a bunch of racists.

  5. Oh noes....the American people are waking up to what Obama is trying to do......Qucik ! Let's try and distract them with another pointless attack on Sarah Palin !! Countdown to next hysterical scoop on Palin....10, 9, 8, 7, 6...

  6. What I find sad about this whole thing
    is that while Scott Brown ran a clean, positive campaign, the Mass Democrats resorted to some pretty nasty smears against the man. Our very own President got elected by promising to change the hateful way politics was conducted in this country and yet some in his own party didn't get the message.
    Then, on top of that, the media (who have taken the people of Massachusetts for granted all these years because they vote Democrat) are now turning around and calling them racists for voting for Brown ! How can they be racists when just 14 months ago the same people voted for Mr. Obama ??

  7. The Media can call them racists because Brown is a racist name...

    We are supposed to be a color-blind society, and who do the Repugs put up - a man named after a color - Brown.

    Definately evidence of the underlying slime belly of racism in the Repug party.

    Just as I am sure Tea Bag swill will be serving BLACK tea at their upcoming round-up.

    Just more evidence of racism.

  8. I guess some people just never learn. People didn't want Dean's hyper-extremism then and people don't want it now.

    Anyone who wasn't blinkered by a Leftist worldview could see that people in the country were angry. But instead of taking the concerns of the Tea Party folk seriously this is what the Dem leadership said about ordinary Americans...

    "extremist mobs" by the Democratic National Committee, "pawns of the insurance industry" by Senator Dick Durbin, "un-American" by Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer, "brownshirts" by Representative Brian Baird of Washington, "manufactured" and "Astroturf" by White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, "evilmongers" by Senator Harry Reid, "fear-mongerers" by the president, and been deemed "political terrorists" by Representative Baron Hill of Indiana.

    And then, of course, the unhinged haters of the Leftist media and their bloggers derided frustrated tax-payers as "Teabaggers".

    So, how did insulting ordinary Americans work out for the Left in Massachusetts ? But yeah, Dean's probably right let's get tougher and keep insulting people ...

  9. Teabagging = grassroots? Hilarious! If you think the millions poured in by Koch, Rupert and Dick Armey's Freedom Works are "grassroots funding"...

  10. Yep, teabaggers are astroturfed by the Pharma and insurance industries and their paid demagogues like Dick Armey. Too bad they're so gullible.

    Folks want REAL change, something Rahm and his gang of bank robber barons don't want.

  11. "Folks want REAL change,"

    By "folks" do you mean bitter, old Leftists like yourself who want to install an anti-American regime funded by Soros or do you mean the ordinary, decent, patriotic taxpayers you insult by calling them "teabaggers" ?

  12. "If you think the millions poured in by Koch, Rupert and Dick Armey's Freedom Works are "grassroots funding"..."

    Dream on, buddy.

  13. please do not feed the trolls, it only encourages them in their delusional fantasy that they are able to comprehend relevance.

  14. I am utterly fascinated by folks' obsession with general and overarching characterizations (and demonization) of the various political groups. Truth is, there are folks of all persuasions in each political party. There are also many independent thinkers/voters out there who do not claim or have affinity for any political affiliation at all, yet when they comment on blogs are somehow lumped into one group or another based on one sentence or paragraph offered on a particular subject. It would be hilarious if it weren't so scary and sad. The rage and vitriol in the comments sections is beyond belief. The world is many shades of gray, not so black and white when it comes to politics and ideology. Too bad Fox and MSNBC put forth the extreme in the personas of folks like Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann on a regular basis and help feed the divisiveness.

  15. I know some people who are associates of the Obamas from a previous life and knows a handful of people now working in the O admin. It isn't Rahm that's the problem according to my source, it's Axelrod. Supposedly very difficult to work for and with. The complaint on the inside is NOT ENOUGH RAHM and TOO MUCH DAVID! They want Rahm used more and believe his effectiveness and talents aren't being utilized to their full extent.
