Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Two Feet of New Snow

And it is still falling.

Dog and snowblower:
Birch and Cottonwood, laden with snow:

The edge of the lake:


  1. Martha Unalaska Yard SignDecember 16, 2009 at 10:52 PM

    Hi Dog! I love black dogs, yours looks very happy in the snow. My dogs love the snow - sniff, sniff, run, play, eat snow!

  2. >"I love black dogs, yours looks very happy in the snow."

    That dog does NOT look happy. Notice how he/she scowls! :-) Our dogs - black Lab and a chocolate Lab - are always a little perplexed by the first snowfall here in Massachusetts, but they've adapted by the time they run down the stairs into the yard. By then they love it.

  3. loving the dog/snowblower pic!!!!
    can I borrow it for personal use?

  4. justafarmer,

    Thanks for asking. I asked Strider. He says "OK!"
