Thursday, December 31, 2009

Some of My Favorite PA Pictures from 2009 - Month by Month

Almost all Progressive Alaska posts have a photograph posted right below the article's title. I take some myself. PA uses photographs by others too, some of them by Alaska bloggers. Four of the Alaska bloggers are very good photographers - Dennis Zaki, Bill Hess, Jeanne Devon and Steve Aufrecht. Other Alaska bloggers are good photographers, too.

Here are pictures from 2009, I used in posts - one from each month:

January: Diane Benson at the inauguration of President Obama (Chuck Meyers - Sacramento Bee):

February: Katmai Winter McKittrick (Erin McKittrick):

March: Doogan DooDoo (Harpboy AK):

April: Wasilla Teabagger Tax Day Event family (PA):

May: Brian the Moose with John Ziegler (AKM):

June: Russian Emigre Kid at the Loussac, Protesting Prop. 64 (PA):

July: Terzah Poe and Diane Benson at a Wasilla Celebration (PA):

August: My Mom at Her 91st Birthday, with 10 grand-kids and one great-grand-kid (PA):

September: Late Afternoon Sun on Neklason Lake, Wasilla (PA):

October: Linda Mash-Ives' Harpsichord at an Anchorage Civic Orchestra Concert (PA):

November: Strider and Me Celebrating AK Muckraker's 2009 Cook Inletkeeper Muckraker of the Year Award (Judy Youngquist):

December: Strider and Snowblower (PA):


  1. Nice job of manipulating the photo of the little kid in the red shirt in order to make him look like he's doing a little H!tler salute.

    Nice Progressive values, Phil.

  2. Excellent photos Phil. It amazes me how you get the negative comments. Why don't they just forgo their visit to your blog? Geeze.

    Happy New Year! Keep up the great work!


  3. Happy New Year, Phil.

    From all of us at palingates.

  4. My first thought was PA for Pennsylvania. Being originally from there, it caught my eye. As soon as I saw the first picture, I realized it was for Progressive Alaska (duh) However,I'm glad that I had a chance to look. They are great. Your mother and family are beautiful! But being a huge fan of good trickster humor, I must confess to really liking "Brian the Moose and John Ziegler"

  5. Martha Unalaska Yard SignJanuary 1, 2010 at 6:23 PM

    I think Strider is the coolest!

    Yes, fools post here just to show us they are a farce to be reckoned with!
