Sunday, December 13, 2009

Covering Statewide 2010 Campaigns at Progressive Alaska

Mark Begich procession at the 2008 Alaska Democratic Party Convention

Progressive Alaska has begun to post information on candidates for statewide office today. PA has added links to the web sites of all Democrats who are currently listed as candidates. As more contenders declare, I'll update. Also, as in 2008, I'll post comparison articles on how the candidates stack up against each other on important issues. I'm working on the first one now, dealing with the three candidates for governor.

Diane Benson, upon whose AK-AL U.S. House campaigns I volunteered in 2006 and 2008, will be announcing this Thursday at Anchorage's weekly Bartlett Democratic Club luncheon, whether or not she will be filing for a race.


  1. Well this is refreshing, not a mention of Palin in the whole post and it's a topic that should help to focus attention on tasks before us that we can and should pour our energy into.

    More like this phil, and thanks, this kind of thing is much more compelling than repetitive rehashing of more of the crazy.

    And phil, if you've still got Diane's ear, tell her there's a host of people who wish for the chance to support her again.

  2. Maybe you could get all candidates to supply you with their responses to questionnaires; then you could post them for comparative purposes. That would be a real service.

  3. Phil, do you have any idea why Sheila Toomey took such a cheap shot at Diane in her Ear column Sunday?
