Sunday, October 11, 2009

Palin Supporters to Flood the Phone Lines to Congress on Columbus Day

Go for it, Palinbots. Call those Senators on the Finance Committee. Read the bill. Read their staffers the bill. Flood those phone lines the day before the vote.

Nobody will be there, though. It is Columbus Day, a Federal Holiday.

I hope your phone plans give you weekend minutes on holidays:

A message to all members of Team Sarah


The next few days are CRITICAL in deciding how our health care system will be structured. If you’re upset by what has been proposed, NOW is the time to join us on the Team Sarah Health Care Bill Review Board:

We’re asking for YOUR HELP with the following:

(1) Reading a 15-20 page section of the upcoming version of the health care bill that will be released and providing a review of it for the group
(2) Blogging about the group’s findings
(3) Twittering about the group’s findings
(4) Participating in a site-wide PHONE BANK BLAST before Tuesday’s vote

If you have your own outside BLOG and want to blog about the group’s findings, be sure to join the Team Sarah Health Care Review Board!

NOTE: The Phone Bank Blast – Mon., Oct. 12th, 2009 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT

Light up the phone lines before Tuesday’s vote by the Senate Finance Committee!

Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and let YOUR SENATORS know your thoughts, particularly if they serve on the Finance Committee. Please call ONLY your senators.

Members of the Senate Finance Committee:
Max Baucus (MT), Chuck Grassley (IA), Orrin Hatch (UT), Olympia Snowe (ME), Jon Kyl (AZ), Jim Bunning (KY), Mike Crapo (ID), Pat Roberts (KS), John Ensign (NV), Mike Enzi (WY), John Cornyn (TX), John Rockefeller IV (WV), Kent Conrad (ND), Jeff Bingaman (NM), John Kerry (MA), Blanche Lincoln (AR), Ron Wyden (OR), Charles Schumer (NY), Debbie Stabenow (MI), Maria Cantwell (WA), Bill Nelson (FL), Robert Menendez (NJ), and Thomas Carper (DE).

Be sure to check out the Team Sarah Health Care Bill Review Board:

The Tiny Team behind the Team

IMAGINE IF..........even just 10% of Team Sarah’s members were able to donate $5, $10 a month toward our community? If you’d like to be a Team Sarah supporter, go to

hat tip - The Immoral Minority


  1. I think they meant to sign it "Tiny-minded team". Perhaps I'm wrong. ROFLMAO. (wiping tears from eyes) Geez, these guys provide no end of levity.

  2. Wow - looks like Team Sarah is tryin' to follow up on their "success" with the Sebilius nomination phone bank call-in ....... BWWWAAHHHH.

  3. "Go for it, Palinbots. Call those Senators on the Finance Committee. Read the bill. Read their staffers the bill. Flood those phone lines the day before the vote.

    Nobody will be there, though. It is Columbus Day, a Federal Holiday: "

    Uh ET any press agent, campaign manager worth his salt should know that just who is running the Crazy woman’s organization?
    You would think they would coordinate this with the National GOP and share E mail lists of supporters coordinate with the tea baggers etc that kind of thing.
    But either they have not which means Sarah is on the outs with them. or the National GOP is really out of sorts.

    In Texas Governor Perry And Senator Kay are duking it out for Perry’s job why when they both got good important jobs already?
    The National GOP should be telling them a Primary fight only helps Dems. Now this Sarah SNAFU happens I’m seeing cracks in the GOP they lack organization as you have shown and they lack the ability to keep Kay and Perry from fighting that means no discipline.
    Just what is going on at GOP National Head Quarters?

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