When I went to bed at about 4:15 a.m, it was blowing about 45, gusting 75. I went down to check the docks on the lakeshore edge. They were OK, with the aircraft tie-down cables attaching them to the shoreside pier straining, but holding.
I got up at 9:15 a.m, and the docks were gone. They're now resting against the shore in a nook my son named Hirsch Cove. I hope to bring them back tomorrow or Monday. I'll have to do it soon after the wind dies down, because the lake will freeze over rapidly once the winds stop.
It is the first time the dock has been torn completely away from its moorings in fifteen years at Neklason Lake.
Hah, I had to move a birch tree off my driveway today. So I guess I agree with you on another issue, the wind is challenging.