Friday, September 25, 2009

Scenes from the G-20 Mayhem in Pittsburgh Today



Illegal LRAD Sound Cannon Use:


  1. WTF is right. Pittsburgh needs some law and order. Those protesters are out of control. Seriously.

  2. The upper video shows National Guard troops involved in crowd control.

    Fascist poster above me-go fX@# yourself.


  3. Ahh...the peaceful liberal fascists out in force. And where is the MSM who bleated about "the atmosphere of implied violence" at the Tea Party in Washington ? The Pittsburgh riots tell us all we need to know about the "tolerant" Left.

    Strangely, anon@4:16 seems to think that destroying property and hurling bricks and bottles at the police is a good thing.

    Did the constant drumbeat of anti-American news reporting from the liberal media & blogosphere fuel this violence ? Enquiring minds want to know...

  4. What has happened to America when young thugs wearing bandanas over their faces can't just smash windows and hurl missiles without being arrested ? Yet another example of the fascist tactics Bush=Hitler's storm troopers will use to stifle any reasonable debate in this country. This is just like Nazi Germany and it looks like Bush's aim is to turn this country into his own 1,000 year Reich. Goodbye democracy...does anyone now seriously believe that Bush=Hitler and his jackbooted Haliburton allies will allow another election in this country? Now we know who the real terrorists are...those cops are EXACTLY like the long before that poor kid's headless body turns up in a ditch somewhere?

  5. Those aren't even fascists. They're anarchists...the same type of scum showed up in Seattle in December 1999 for the WTO summit, complete with masks so no one could tell they were button-down Oxford shirt cubicle workers (or some other benign employment) in their day jobs.

    Their way of protesting the WTO summit was to throw rocks through store-front windows in downtown Seattle, even Northwest-born flagship stores like Nordstroms and Starbucks and Columbia Sportswear.

    From Salon: "The so-called "black bloc" is advocating "direct action at the point of consumption," damaging corporate retail outlets and hurting their sales.... "Ten million dollars of lost revenue, plus the 2 million they're saying there was in property damage, is a big chunk out of their holiday cheer," exults one member of the "Eugene Brick Throwers Union Local 666..."

    In other words, destruction for the sake of destruction. Anarchy.

    Pittsburgh is lucky only ~10 windows were broken and there was "minimal property damage (yet)".

  6. I have some questions about that first video. Why is the guy in the front (the driver) and one of the guys from the back wearing desert camo gear while the other two are not? Why at the :25 mark does the gun the cop (on the left hand side of the screen) is holding have a lightish orange or reddish tip? Is this faked?

  7. "Ahh...the peaceful liberal fascists out in force."

    Yeah, pick a fight and then complain when you get one.

    You trolls need to be deleted.


    PS some of the crowd control was military, not police force, and that's why some were wearing desert camo (I think.)

  8. I have found no answer on why the gun would have a light tip, but someone told me:
    “Military members supporting the G20 Summit work with local law enforcement authorities but do not have the authority to make arrests. The individuals involved in the 9/24/09 arrest which has appeared online are law enforcement officers from a multi-agency tactical response team assigned to the security operations for the G20. It is not unusual for tactical team members to wear camouflaged fatigues. The type of fatigues the officers wear designates their unit affiliation.

    Prior to the arrest, the officers observed this subject vandalizing a local business. Due to the hostile nature of the crowd, officer safety and the safety of the person under arrest, the subject was immediately removed from the area.”

  9. It is odd also that the officers in fatigues weren't wearing head protection.

    It also bothers me that they are shoving the person into an unmarked car. Is it common for police forces to have high-end unmarked cars like this? I'm not reassured that the person was then speeded from the area.

    Watch-later we'll find out these "officers" are private contractors on the order of Blackwater.


  10. Police used teargas pepper spray and rubber bullets against University of Pittsburgh students during the Pittsburgh G20 Summit. Many of the students were not part of any demonstration but bystanders, curious to find a mass of armed riot police on their campus.

    This link has some video and some photos from the events:

  11. Just because you're an anarchist does not mean you have lost your rights. The police have been running wild, a riot all on there own.

    Didn't you notice what happened at the DNC in Denver. At the RNC in the Twin Cities? It is the same crap in a different wrapper.

    Isn't bothering any one that military weapons (the LRAD's) are being used on civilians? That bystanders are getting peppered sprayed?

    Oh wait, they are kids, and those damn liberals. So I guess it doesn't mater.

  12. "At the RNC in the Twin Cities? It is the same crap in a different wrapper."

    Sure is...same Left-wing thugs hiding their faces while causing damage and mayhem.

    "Oh wait, they are kids, "

    A brick in the face from an 18 year-old isn't any different from a brick in the face from a 40 year old. A young thug is still a thug !

  13. I was the first poster on this thread. I am also a peace-loving progressive liberal. I do not support riots and mayhem. Period. These protestors are out to cause harm -- they are not peaceful people exercising their rights to freedom of speech and assembly. The police acted appropriately under the circumstances to control this out-of-control crowd. I have no respect for radical leftist behavior that endangers others and causes damage to property. It reminds me of those crazy liberal domestic terrorist groups from the 60's. Throw-em in jail where they belong.

  14. "These protestors are out to cause harm -- they are not peaceful people exercising their rights to freedom of speech and assembly."

    I think you need to provide evidence of this. Otherwise to me your assertion appears to be false.



  16. From your links above,


    "PITTSBURGH - A vociferous but peaceful group of several thousand people marched for miles through downtown Pittsburgh on Friday, united by opposition to the Group of 20 summit but expressing a diversity of mostly liberal causes as an army of stone-faced riot police watched their every move."


    "While the anarchist protesters drew inspiration from previous demonstrations at global summits, they failed to trigger large-scale disturbances."


    This link is broken. However, I found this article from the KDKA web site:

    "After thousands of protestors marched peacefully through the streets of Pittsburgh, more people gathered at Schenley Plaza Friday night.

    Forbes Avenue was shut down as hundreds of police officers dressed in riot gear marched down the street.

    According to police, 400 people gathered and 110 were arrested around 10:30 p.m.

    They told the crowd to disperse. Once again, officers used what appeared to be OC spray near the William Pitt Union.

    The people behind the rally were upset with how police handled their gathering Thursday night and billed Friday night's event as a Police Resistance Rally.

    "We're all very angry. I saw some of the events that unfolded last night - we want them to know we're not going to take this, we can't have them hurting our peers, hurting innocent bystanders because they're overreacting to a situation," one protestor said.

    Thursday, store fronts were vandalized and more than 40 people were arrested.

    "Because they smashed up Pamela's I'm not going to reconsider my viewpoints on anarchy," one student said.

    At the University of Pittsburgh, students were reaction to the events of Thursday night.

    "I feel like a lot of the people there were just students observing and then with the protestors and some students getting too rowdy," Luke Rifugiato said.

    The university released a statement blaming a handful of people who wanted to be destructive and urged students to use good judgement and common sense."


    Whoever or whatever you are, you aren't a progressive or competent reader or analyst.


  17. "Thursday, store fronts were vandalized and more than 40 people were arrested."

    -Y, whoever or whatever you are, you don't understand the idea of public order do you ? You might be sympathetic to a bunch of self-loathing, trust-fund students playing "revolutionary" on our streets and damaging property but most of us don't.

  18. BS to you trying to portray me as someone who supports vandalism.

    BS to your notion that the actions of a minority can be used to abrogate the right of the majority to freedom of assembly.

    As codified in the US Constitution and elsewhere in US law, the greatest threat to public order and freedom is understood to come from unbridled governmental authority and exercise of power. If you think otherwise, you don't understand public order, now do you.


  19. "BS to your notion that the actions of a minority can be used to abrogate the right of the majority to freedom of assembly."

    "Freedom of assembly" doesn't usually manifest itself in young thugs smashing shop windows and appearing in identity-hiding face masks. Strange that a "progressive" would make the above statement, given the mass-hysteria of the MSM and far-left blogosphere because of a few signs carried by a tiny minority of the 9/12 Tea Party. Some consistency please.

    "As codified in the US Constitution and elsewhere in US law, the greatest threat to public order and freedom is understood to come from unbridled governmental authority and exercise of power."

    And yet the "progressives" attack conservatives who try to limit government power as "Nazis", "racists" and "evil-mongers". At the same time "progressives" are supporting an administration that has exerted more attempts at government control and committed more abuses of power then any recent administration. You "progressives" are all over the place aren't you ?

  20. As long as you put words in our mouths, misconstrue what we say and want, make false generalizations and just about every other error of implication, we're "all over the place."

    Why you would want to do this, I don't understand. It isn't much of an accomplishment and it's preventing or delaying "progress" on both sides of the aisle. It'd be easier to judge credible conservative efforts to limit government if conservatives were consistent, but you see here--these lawful protests are being quashed by expanded government action and you don't mind. You think it's great.



  21. "At the same time "progressives" are supporting an administration that has exerted more attempts at government control and committed more abuses of power then any recent administration. "

    The way I see it, the protests are against Obama and his policies as much as anything else.

    For example, "bailout the people"-that's a direct hit against Obama's "bailout the banks" policies which he has continued uninterrupted from the Bush administration.


  22. "You think it's great."

    Au contraire, mon brave, I don't think it is great. But having participated in several such demos, I came to realize that a sizeable minority of the "protesters" were only there to cause violence and if the organizers of the demo didn't 'police' the march properly the cops would react to the violence of the minority and chaos would ensue.
    My point was that when conservatives hold a peaceful mass rally against big government, the "progressives" joined the MSM frenzy in calling them "crazies", racists" etc and insist they are fermenting violence but when real violence breaks out on the Left both the MSM and "progressives" look the other way. Until the Left purges itself of the thug element who turn up in masks and look for the slightest excuse to smash windows etc then conservatives will not look on these protesters as potential allies against big government.

    "For example, "bailout the people"-that's a direct hit against Obama's "bailout the banks" policies which he has continued uninterrupted from the Bush administration."

    I agree.

  23. Y,

    You conveniently ignore the violence perpetrated during the protests. Peaceful protestors do not throw bricks and rocks, smash windows and wear masks. Those thugs (anarchists) were out to cause harm.

    Your use of language belies your hypocrisy. I won't be as impolite and call you names and suggest you perform intercourse on yourself, as you suggested I do. I will simply say please open your eyes and admit that the radical left is as dangerous as the radical right. Neither has a place in a civil society.

    Have a nice weekend.


    The peace-loving, progressive, liberal first poster on this thread

  24. It’s clear enough I recognize the violence and other misconduct and disapprove of it.

    What disturbs me more is the use of the misconduct of a small minority as a pretext for encroaching on the liberty of the peaceful vast majority.

    The evidence provided by you to show the Pittsburgh protestors were "out of control" clearly showed the crowds were in control.

    Unfortunately and regrettably,but not surprisingly, there were a few bad apples. But this was the US government's response:

    -black helicopters flying the airspace of Pittsburgh commanding through bull horns for all public crowds to disperse—declaring all the assemblies unlawful--none were.

    -phalanxes of heavily armed riot police advancing on crowds who weren’t rioting.

    -more police in Pittsburgh than protestors.

    -yet once again (in a growing and disturbing trend) the experimental use of crowd-control technology on American citizens.

    -in PA's top video, unidentified “officers” in battle fatigues wrestle someone in jeans and back pack into an unmarked car and then speed off in what appears to be abduction for rendition.

    Meanwhile, I do have political sympathies with those who wish to protest G-20 and the globalization process. I think the protests were necessary. I am glad people were willing to do so. The protection of the peaceful protestors and the preservation of their right to do so would in a functional democracy receive full support.(Consider for a moment how much money was spent by "our" government to control these crowds and how it could be better spent.) They wouldn't be treated, as if it were a foregone conclusion, as rioters and disrupters, but as responsible citizens.

    It's well within the capacity of our police to deal with the crimes associated with crowds without encroaching on the right to free assembly we see here. There would be no way for the organized and lawful protestors to guarantee all protestors, especially those not associated with their organization, would behave. That they do so can’t be made a precondition for the exercise of their rights.

