Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Republican Gomorrah Hits #15 on the NYT Bestseller List

Honorary Alaska blogger, Max Blumenthal's new book, Republican Gomorrah, has reached Number Fifteen on the New York Times bestseller list of hard-cover non-fiction.

Max will be in Anchorage on September 26th and 27th. I'll be posting all the details very soon.


  1. But surely, according to your past reasoning, this doesn't mean anything except that a bunch of radical-Left, Israel-hating organizations have bought up thousands of copies of the book to give out as party favors. So, with all those groups buying the book how come it only reached 15 ? Looks like a FAIL to me.

  2. Do you have any evidence to offer that this is the case with Max's book?

    If not, maybe you should STFU.

  3. Meanwhile Mark Levin's "Liberty & Tyranny" has just sold ONE MILLION copies without a single review by the
    liberal MSM. How many liberal rags have been pushing Maxie's effort ?

  4. right, i got six emails offering me a free copy.... NOT!

  5. Are you still watching Wayne's World ?

  6. He's pushing it considering he's showing up right before Yom Kippur...
