Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Favorite Report from the Crazy Woman's Speech

Press reports of the Crazy Woman's Hong Kong speech to a bunch of FoB's (definition # 11) are out. As no press was invited, reports will differ, based upon snippets. My favorite snippet from an attendee, apparently a reporter from the Asian Sentinel:

What they got was 90 minutes of boredom which had half the audience fiddling endlessly with their Blackberries. Ninety percent of her speech could have been – and probably was – written for a domestic US audience receptive to her "mom and pop" populism. Indeed the only newsworthy aspect of the speech was why her remarks had to be kept private despite their predictability.

My favorite headline on this - She Showed Up!


  1. how is she going to explain this BS......

    “Maybe you’re hoping to hear me discuss the derivations of the formula for effective rate of protection, followed by a brief discussion of the monetary approach to the balance of payments,” she said. “If time allows, a quick summary of factor price equalization. Maybe some thoughts on quantitative easing, but that’s for next time. Because I have spent my life closer to Main Street. That’s what I want to talk about is that view from Main Street,” she said"

  2. A definite yes on face surgery.

  3. The last line of the Time Magazine coverage was banner. said Ng from behind her counter. "Afterward, she can come eat my fishballs."

  4. I think the expectation and build up suspense was too much, lol. They raised the bar too far. This is from an Asian newspaper.

    "So the lack of surprises left many in the audience wondering the reasons for the secrecy about the speech. Surely a "tell it as it is" politician would like to be heard by friends and foes alike. So was it CLSA which wished to keep her remarks about China from being the headlines in all the local and international media? Investment banks are not known for being prepared to offend their biggest clients, especially when they are as sensitive as Beijing.

    But the speech blackout makes nonsense of Palin's own claims to honest debate."

  5. Others have commented favorably on her speech. The following quote seems to be on the money regarding the knock-on effects that the failures of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had on the entire US financial system..

    "Lack of government wasn’t the problem. Government policies were the problem. The marketplace didn’t fail. It became exactly as common sense would expect it to. The government ordered the loosening of lending standards. The Federal Reserve kept interest rates low. The government forced lending institutions to give loans to people who, as I say, couldn’t afford them. Speculators spotted new investment vehicles, jumped on board and rating agencies underestimated risks."

    Seems fair to me, she blames both government and speculators. Well played, Sarah.

  6. "The government forced lending institutions to give loans to people who, as I say, couldn’t afford them."

    If you could give one example of the government forcing lending institutions to give loans to people who couldn't afford them, I would say fair enough along with you. I don't think you can, though.


  7. this latest example of sarah palin's misinformed word salad idiocy is 'news' precisely because, and only because, people keep giving her exposure.

    If people would just ignore the idiocy of sarah palin, and quit giving her the exposure they give her, sarah palin would fade from the public arena, as she should have long ago.

    please phil, turn your focus off sarah, and give the exposure to someone or some issue which has relevance to a sanity based reality.


  8. Oh, if only she had just got up and apologized non-stop about how evil America has been she would be just like Obama. How many speeches has he made now that condemn America....some people might start to get the idea that he actually hates this country.

  9. The Barbie doll continues to expose the air in her head. LOL

  10. ..and her supporters continue to expose the empty voids in their own heads.

  11. "The Barbie doll continues to expose the air in her head. LOL"

    And the bitter misogynists continue to expose the sickness in their souls.

  12. "And the bitter misogynists continue to expose the sickness in their souls."

    And those who love Bumpit hairstyles continue to defend their idol.
