Thursday, September 10, 2009

Max Blumenthal on NPR's Fresh Air Today (ps - Looks Like Max Will Be Back in Alaska)

Honorary Alaska blogger, Max Blumenthal, has been making the rounds, promoting his recent book, Republican Gomorrah. Last week, he was featured on Pacifica's Democracy Now. today he is on National Public Radio's Fresh Air, interviewed by the best political and cultural interviewer on the air, Terry Gross.

Terry spends about 40 minutes with Max. It airs in Anchorage on KSKA at 3:00 p.m. today also. Here's one of the most choice moments:

Max: A recent poll showed that seven out of 10 white evangelicals are extremely opposed to Barack Obama's proposed health care reforms, and the Christian Right is raising a lot of money organizing against health care. The extreme right is growing across the board, and those who announced the death of "conservatism" and the death of the Christian Right were premature.

The goal is to paint Obama as a totalitarian secret communist/fascist/terrorist/Muslim - whatever they can do - a basic pastiche of right-wing hobgoblin, a multi-colored pinata of every evildoer they want to smash, in order to de-legitimize him and mobilize as many as possible. As I discuss in my book, this began in the rallies that began after Sarah Palin was nominated as Vice President.

Here's the podcast of Max's interview with Terry:

Max's book tour and speaking engagements continue into October.

I'm working with others here in Anchorage to get Max up here during a three-day break in his tour, between September 25th and 27th. I've booked UAA's Arts 150, which seats 200, for 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 26th.

We'll have more details soon, but with right-wing polemicist Jonah Goldberg speaking at UAA on September 15th (for a fee of over $10,000), it seems fitting for Max, who knows a lot about Goldberg's lack of veracity, to be able to appear at UAA, as a sort of response from the truthful left.


  1. It is impossible to read Jonah Goldberg's commentaries in the LA Times. What a jerk he is--please keep up the pressure.

    Thanks for all you do, PM.

  2. I just realized/found out that Jonas Goldberg's only claim to any type of "legitimacy"is he's the son of Lucienne Goldberg of the Clinton/Lewinsky saga.


  3. What in god's name can Lucianne Goldberg's son possibly have to say that would be worth $10,000? And how desperate would people have to be, perhaps united in their hatred for Obama, to offer to actually pay to hear it?
